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Essequibo Teen Dies of Suspected Suicide
A teenage girl of Mashabo, Essequibo Coast, Region 2, has died today, 26th of September, 2024 of suspected suicide. According to Action News Guyana, the teen was discovered by a relative hanging from the roof of her home at around 9:55 hours this morning.
Teenager Reportedly Commits Suicide in Leonora Secondary School Dorms Washroom
GPF | Police are investigating a report of an alleged suicide (by hanging) committed by a 14-year-old student of Leonora Secondary School, which occurred between 15:30hrs and 16:30hrs yesterday (Tuesday, 18th of June, 2024) at Leonora Secondary School, West Coast Demerara.
19-Year-Old Woman Found Dead in Lusignan, ECD Apartment
A young woman was found dead in her apartment at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, Guyana, South America, this morning. Local police say they are investigating an alleged suicide which is believed to have occurred between 1 AM and 4 AM this morning, 18th of August, 2023. 19-year-old Malinda Fiona Niewenkirk was found slumped down from a bedroom door with a sheet around her neck, one end fastened on top of the door. Her feet were comfortably on the floor.