11 Feb, 2025

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The Guyana South America publication features businesses, products, and services across the country of Guyana, or relevant to the country of Guyana. Our sponsors are businesses or individuals who have paid for a full length article feature or other form or advertising, either one time or recurring. We show appreciation for our sponsors by aggressively promoting their business to our rapidly growing audience base beyond our contractual obligation. Because our sponsors help us improve and expand the Guyana, South America publication, we encourage you to support them as well.

2 mins read

Citizen Expresses Worry and Concern Over Deplorable State of Charity Waterfront Wharf

I would like to bring your attention the beautiful Charity waterfront and its lovely wharf. Look at the condition of this thing. I’m calling on the Ministry of Public Works. Year come, year go, budget pass for this, budget pass for that, and still this wharf, which is a main point in Essequibo, a main thoroughfare for residents of Pomeroon, Moruca and other locations, is still in a deplorable condition.

6 mins read

Lieutenant Colonel Michael Charles, a True Patriot and National Hero Who Doubled as a Tourism Pioneer

Prime Minister, Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips on the 21st of January, 2021 hailed Captain Michael Charles M.S, as a pioneer in showcasing Guyana’s tourism product to the rest of the world. The PM delivered the keynote address at the launch of Charles’s latest video, the “Sounds and Colours of the Rainforest,” which is the fourth video in a captivating series titled “Guyana -Yours to Discover,” that explores Guyana as an eco-tourism destination.

1 min read

Wichabai Ranch, A Nature Resort in the South Rupununi

Wichabai Ranch is a beautiful and relaxing nature resort located in the scenic South Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, South America. It is a must-see for all nature lovers, tourists, and adventurers who wish to experience the beauty of Guyana.