venezuela border dispute

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Essequibo Belongs to Guyana: Here are the Facts

Under the Geneva Agreement, the following were pursued by Guyana and Venezuela: Four (4) years (1966-1970) of meeting through a Mixed Commission involving bilateral talks between Guyana and Venezuela, a twelve (12) year moratorium (with the purpose of allowing both governments to promote cooperation and understanding while the border claim was in abeyance) and twenty years (1989 – 2017) of the Good Offices Process, under the aegis of the United Nations Secretary General (a process that allowed for bilateral discussions on a resolution of the controversy in the presence of the Secretary General’s personal representative).


Maduro Reportedly Offered Lula the Once Disputed Pirara Area in Exchange for Military Alliance

Confidential sources close to both the Venezuelan and Brazilian government and military related to this publication on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak about the subject that Nicolas Maduro proposed to Lula Da Silva of Brazil that he would return the once-disputed Pirara Area to Brazil if Brazil allows the Venezuelan military to access its border in order to invade Guyana through Region 9.