The Significance of the Mace

First Published: 31st of December, 2021

Last updated: December 31, 2021 at 18:03 pm

Do you know that the mace is an integral part of the House’s business? If ever it isn’t in House, absolutely no business can be done. You read right.

For starters, on entering and leaving the Parliament Chamber, the Speaker is preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms bearing the Mace on his right shoulder. When the National Assembly is in session, the Mace is placed on the Clerk’s table, with its head pointing towards the Government side of the Chamber. When the Assembly meets as a Committee of the Whole Assembly, the Mace is placed below the Clerk’s table. When the Mace lies upon the table, the House is in session; When under, it is a Committee; When from the Table and upon the Sergeant’s shoulder, the Speaker alone manages.

Yes, our Mace is super important.


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