11 Feb, 2025

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The Protected Areas Commission

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Guyana’s Protected Areas Commision

The Protected Areas Commission of Guyana is a Government of Guyana initiative which seeks to protect the natural environment and resources of certain endangered regions of Guyana.

By “endangered” it is meant that these areas are threatened by industrial activities such as large scale farming, logging and mining which tend to exhaust the natural resources of the region and destroy the natural environment.

The Protected Areas Commissions was founded in the year XXX by the then President? NAME.

The Protected Areas Commission seeks to protect not just trees and plant life in the forest, but animal life as well.

While the Protected Areas Commission does not seek to ban industrial and commercial activities in the protected areas completely, it seeks to keep them at a level where they do not pose a threat of destroying the natural environment and resources faster than they can be renewed.

In doing this, the Protected Areas Commission works in conjunction with the Toshaos of the Amerindian communities of the North, South and Central Rupununi Savannas to develop plans that cater for the well-being and livelihood of the residents of the community without inflating the establishment of damaging large-scale industrial activities.

The regions covered by the Protected Areas Commissions of Guyana are:

The Protected Areas Commissions consists of the following departments:

The Protected Areas Commissions consists o the following members:

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