Photos of Guyana

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Spinning of Steelwool on Diwali Evening – Photos

Diwali is the festival of light, and on Diwali evening, diyas are lit and placed on lawns, verandahs, walkways etc. But Guyanese also use a different method to create a luminous effect, and that is the spinning of steelwool. Steelwool is the name given to a product that is used to clean pots. On Diwali night, the steelwool is set on fire and spun rapidly to give off sparks – usually using a thin metal wire called bird wire.

Lighting Diyas in Guyana 2022 – Photos

Lighting Diyas is one of the practices of the five-day long Diwali Festival in Guyana – which also includes motorcades and other religious activities. The day on which the lighting of diyas take place is given as a national holiday in Guyana. The exact date on which diyas are lit depends on the sighting of the moon and varies slightly from year to year. This year, 2022, the day of lighting diyas is October, 24th.

Motorcade 2022 – Photos

The Diwali Motorcade is an annual tradition that takes place in the days leading up to Diwali. In addition to lighting diyas and spinning steelwool, mandirs across Guyana take part in a motorcade activity which is considered a prelude to Diwali. Some mandirs execute their motorcade activity several days before Diwali, while others do it on the evening before Diwali in Guyana, South America.

Government Builds 620 Turnkey Homes along the East Bank of Demerara – Photos

The Irfaan Ali Administration is blazing the trail of providing adequate and affordable housing for all Guyanese. It’s part of the PPP/C’s one-Guyana dream to see all Guyanese in beautiful homes. Indeed, adequate housing not only enhances the lives and adds to the net worth of residents, but also adds to the beautification of the Guyana. Through subsidies and financing via local banks, the Guyana Government will help Guyanese citizens to acquire these turnkey homes.

Prime Minister Phillips Declares Annual Heritage Games Open – Photos

Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Hon. Mark Phillips earlier today (14th of October, 2022) declared the annual Heritage Games 2022 open. The games could not be held for two years owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Prime Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to investing in sports throughout the country. PM Phillips noted that sports play an integral role in the transformation that is underway.

Photos: Santa Fe Farm, Region 9

Santa Fe Ranch is located in Region 9 of Guyana, South America. The farm is the brainchild of Barbados entrepreneur, Sir Kyffin Simpson who had a vision for the creation of an integrated farm in the Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana. The farm presently occupies 29,000 acres of leased land for agriculture purposes, of which 8,000 acres have been prepared for rice cultivation. Other agriculture crops being cultivated are Cassava, Sweet Potatoes, Cole, and Solanaceous and Leguminous Crops. Research is presently being done on other non-traditional crops.