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Rhonda Dixon Bashes Family of Nirav Sukdeo, Family Responds (Full Story and Video)

A well known Guyanese-American social media personality, Rhonda Dixon, also known as Rhonda Bobb, made a TikTok video, which was later reproduced to Facebook, in which she lashed out at the family of Nirav Sukdeo for allegedly being heartless towards the family of Bibi Aliyah Allie. Nirav and Aliyah are both victims of the tragic Corentyne accident which killed Aliyah and left Nirav critically injured during the early morning hours of Monday, 22nd of July, 2024.

Guyana Now Boasts the World’s Highest Oil Reserves Per Capita

In April, 2022, after the Guyana Government disclosed that Guyana’s proven oil reserves stood at over 11 billion barrels, I published an article entitled, “Guyana Boasts World’s Second Highest Oil Reserves Per Capita.” Since then, the Guyana Government announced numerous other oil discoveries, but did not update the country on the total volume of proven oil reserves in billions of barrels, a reality which reportedly worries international anti-corruption organizations. In July 2024, a US analytical company, S&P Global Inc., announced that Guyana’s proven oil reserves now stands at 18.7 billion barrels.

One Dead, Another Critical, in Early Morning Accident Along the Corentyne, Region 6

A heartrending tragedy along the Corentyne Public Road at Kiltearn Village, Region 6, which occurred at around 2:AM this morning, Monday, 22nd of July, 2024, has left the country of Guyana in a state of shock and several families in a state of anxiety and mourning. Dead is 18 year old Bibi Aleah Allie, the only passenger of the vehicle at the time which was being driven by her common-law husband, 24-year-old Niraz Sukdeo. Sukdeo was critically wounded and is currently being treated in the intensive care unit of a private hospital in Berbice.

Mohameds’ Gold Trading and Cambio Businesses Stalled, but Government Reluctant to Seize Firearms

The sanctions exerted a penetrating effect on Mohameds Enterprises. Within 48 hours of the announcement of the sanctions, the Bank of Guyana revoked the Cambio license of the Mohameds. Although their gold dealer license has not been revoked, this publication understands that the Guyana Gold Board has subsequently suspended doing business with the Mohameds. The Government of Guyana, however, has expressed that they will proceed with caution from here on and has no immediate plans to seize the firearms or revoke the firearm licenses of the Mohameds.

Americans Celebrate Independence on July 4th Every Year

I decided to write this article about the United States Independence Day in the context of Guyana’s strong and growing bilateral ties with the United States of America. Not only is Guyana a strong trading partner with the US, but we are also a strategic military partner dedicated to maintaining the peace of the Caribbean Region. The United States has repeatedly pledged military support for Guyana in the face of Venezuelan threats to annex the Essequibo. But before 1966, we were owned by Britain and protected by the Royal Forces which was at one point considered the world’s most formidable military. Like the United States, Guyanese also fought for Independence against the British, although not by military means.

Rupununi Woman Badly Beaten Allegedly by Ex Partner Who is Reportedly on the Run

A young woman of the Rupununi, Region 9, has been left in great pain, almost to the point of death, after she was badly beaten by her ex lover who is also the father of her child. A wanted bulletin was posted for the perpetrator who is now on the run. According to persons close to the woman, who has been identified by first name “Tricia,” the man carefully planned the attack, traveled up to Lethem from Georgetown, forced his way into the woman’s home and assaulted her last evening, 29th of June, 2024.

Young Woman’s Career, Relationships, and Jobs Negatively Affected After Misleading Facebook Post

A young Guyanese woman of Karisparu Village, Region 8, has reached out to this publication to tell her story after a misleading and inconsiderate Facebook post left her life in shambles. The young mother explained that the social media post, which went viral, caused her to lose business, family, and friends. Because of this Facebook Post, persons, whom she had long trusted and were close to her, suddenly stopped talking to her and avoided her. The post might have also affected a new tourism venture she was starting in her hometown as two groups of potential tourists who were making plans with her suddenly cut her off after the Facebook Post was made.

The USA Had Been Denying Tourist Visas to the Mohameds for Over Ten Years

The sudden US clampdown on the billionaire Mohameds family of Georgetown, Guyana, South America has left many Guyanese in a state of shock and sadness. Many people question, “why now” or “why so suddenly.” After all, for the past four years or so, the Mohameds family, especially the younger Azzrudin Mohamed, had been in the habit of publicizing their outstanding philanthropic deeds via their Facebook Page, Team Mohameds, and had been receiving much praises, recognition, and accolades from the general Guyanese public.

US Government Yet to Provide Details on Investigations that Led to Sanctions

It would be recalled that, immediately following the actions taken on June 11 by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) within the United States Department of the Treasury to sanction certain Guyanese individuals and entities, the Government of Guyana wrote the US authorities requesting relevant information to be shared with us to facilitate our own investigation of the matters concerned.

Guyanese Power-lifting Champion, Carlos Peterson-Grifith, Sets New World Record

Guyanese born Carlos Peterson-Grifith is well known across Guyana for his incredible physical strength. In fact, he has been listed as the strongest man in not only Guyana, but the entire South American continent. Throughout his body-building career, Carlos has made and broken many records, but this time, his extraordinary feat has put Guyana on the map in the world of sport. He is the first Guyanese ever to set a world record in sport!

US Sanctioning of “Local Celebrity” Leaves Cloud of Sadness Lingering Over Guyanese Populace

A recently announced US clampdown on a very popular Guyanese family has left a cloud of sadness lingering over the atmosphere of the Guyanese populace. The sanctioning of Azzrudin and Nazar Mohamed by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control has saturated both local and international news over the last few days. While a handful of rivals and enemies may have found happiness in this development, thousands of local residents who view the Mohameds, especially the young Azzrudin, as a “God send” are left in a state of depression over the announcement.

US Treasury Department Sanctions Azzrudin and Nazar Mohamed Along with Local Government Official

Today, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned members of one of Guyana’s wealthiest families, Nazar Mohamed (Nazar) and his son, Azruddin Mohamed (Azruddin), their company, Mohamed’s Enterprise, and a Guyanese government official, Mae Thomas (Thomas), for their roles in public corruption in Guyana. Additionally, OFAC designated two other entities, Hadi’s World and Team Mohamed’s Racing Team, for being owned or controlled by Mohamed’s Enterprise and Azruddin, respectively.

Will Nicolas Maduro be the Last of the Chavistas?

Venezuela’s national presidential election is set to be held on the 28th of July, 2024 as Venezuelans head to the polls to decide the future of a currently troubled nation. For nearly 24 years, the Chavista political movement, founded by the late Hugo Chavez and upheld by Nicolas Maduro, has maintained a stranglehold on the country of Venezuela through rigged elections, political persecution, and widespread corruption. Maduro claimed victory at the polls in 2018, but many believe the elections were rigged. On July 28th, 2024, the United Socialist Party led by Nicolas Maduro will have to fight much harder to remain in power.

Why is Russia Sending Warships to Venezuela in the Coming Weeks?

Several reputable international media houses, including Yahoo! and Reuters, have reported that Russia will be sending a “relatively small number” of “combat vessels” to the Caribbean “this summer.” These warships are expected to conduct military exercises in the Caribbean sea and possibly make stops at Cuban and Venezuelan ports, according to Yahoo! Reuters, and the Guardian. This publication has received intelligence that the warships will “more than likely” convene with the Venezuelan military for joint naval exercises. The warships will be shadowed by Russian military jets.

Government Outlines Action Plan for Flooded Pirara Area along Lethem-Linden Trail

Flooding of the Rupununi Savannahs and other areas close to the Lethem-Linden trail has seriously hindered travels from Georgetown to Lethem and vice versa. Over the last several days, vehicles were unable to ply the route because of submerged sections of the trail. Local bus companies innovated and circumvented the problem by employing the use of an engine boat to transport passengers across flooded area, loading them on the other side into another bus. The trail has basically been cut in two by the floodwaters at Pirara.

Venezuelan National Living in Guyana Appeals for Life-Saving Financial Help for 11-Year Old Niece

A young Venezuelan woman who has been living in Guyana for the last six years is appealing for desperately needed life-saving financial aid to save her sick niece back home in Venezuela. Joxelis Jose Perales Mendoza of Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara is reaching out for help for her 11 year old niece, Isabelis Sofia Herrera Mendoza who is 11 years old and has been admitted to the central hospital of Maturin, Monagas State, on the oncology floor, in neighboring Venezuela. This is her story….

Former Top Student Sarah Hakh Levels Rape Accusations Against Former Government Minister, Nigel Dharamlall

Former CXC top student, Sarah Hakh, who topped the Caribbean in the CXC exams in 2012, filed an official police report on the 9th of May, 2024 leveling damning accusations against former PPP/C government minister, Nigel Dharamlall. According to Hakh, the offenses were committed on two separate occasions while she worked with the Guyana Government in 2020 and 2021 under Dharamlall’s Ministry. The young woman related during a virtual Press Conference on May 10th, 2024 that she also filed cyberbully charges against Dharamlall.

The Venezuelan Military is Constructing a Bridge Linking the Ankoko Island to Guyana

A few months ago, I followed the Venezuelan government’s media pages and read with interest the stories of the Venezuelan military building a steel base concrete bridge connecting the once disputed Ankoko Island to the rest of Venezuela. For those of you who didn’t know, Venezuela seized the disputed Ankoko Island and turned it into a military base in 1966 without an ounce of resistance or a shot fired from Guyana. Forbes Burnham was in power at the time.

International Criminal Court Contemplating Arrest of Netanyahu and other Israeli Government and Military Officials

The International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands (different from the International Court of Justice), is contemplating arresting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as other Israeli Government and military officials for alleged war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity, reliable sources have said. The ICC also has on its list top Hamas officials for arrest warrants.

Young Woman Seeks “Pen Pal” After Husband Walks Out, Leaving Her With Three Kids

A young Guyanese woman has reached out to this publication to tell her story in the hopes that it will help her heal and move on with her life. Retisha Henry explains that she was happily married only a few months ago. According to Retisha, one day, her husband suddenly walked out of her life telling her that he just doesn’t love her anymore. She says that her ex husband is now in a relationship with another woman whom he says he loves.

Family Seeks Help Finding Closure for Man Who Went Missing in the Rupununi in 1993

A young man traveled to the Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana to be a teacher decades ago. There he got married and embarked on a new journey of life. Seu Persaud Singh was born in Riverstown Village on the Essequibo Coast on November 23, 1955. He is the eldest of 12 children. He moved to the Rupununi in the mid-1970’s to take up a teaching job in Sawariwau Villige in the South Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, South America. There, he met his wife, Gloria with whom he shares five beautiful children.

Why Israel Might be Pressuring Iran into a Full Scale War

On the 1st of April, 2024, the Israeli Defense Force reportedly struck an Iranian consulate building near to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria. The airstrike, reportedly carried out by Israeli F-35 military jets, killed a total of 16 persons, including Iranian officials, military personnel, and two civilians. After the airstrike, Israel did not take responsibility, nor did they deny it, but said they were bracing for an Iranian counteroffensive.

Maria Corina Says that the Ruling of the ICJ Must be Respected in Guyana/Venezuela Border Controversy

Nicolas Maduro’s main political opponent, popular right wing capitalist Maria Corina Machado, has issued a compelling statement calling for peace, diplomacy, and respect of international law with regards to the ongoing Guyana/Venezuela border controversy. She did not waver from the national Venezuelan sentiment that “the Essequibo belongs to Venezuela.” What she did do however was choose her words very carefully in condemning Maduro’s dangerous actions which could escalate into an armed conflict between the two neighboring countries.

“Ghost” Stalks CPCE Turkeyen Campus

Students of the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) dormitory compound in Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana, South America, were last night, 17th of March, 2024, at around 9:30 PM, startled to see an intruder staring at them. A student of the CPCE dormitory, speaking to this publication on condition of anonymity, told this publication that a man crossed the trench between the dorm and road, scaled the fence, and made his way to the generator hut which is located right behind the unisex dormitory building where both male and female teachers are being boarded.

Ramson Says that Mohamed Posted Misleading Information about Infrastructural Development

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Hon. Charles Ramson Jr. of the PPP/C, has responded to a Facebook post made yesterday, 20th of February, 2024 by popular businessman Azzrudin Mohamed, just minutes after that post was made. In the Facebook Post, Mohamed claimed to have lighted up the West-Ruimveldt Play Ground by buying and installing lights. However, Ramson quickly came online to “clarify” that the statement is misleading, and says that it was the Guyana Government which laid the infrastructure and installed most of the lights. He did not deny that Mohamed installed some of the lights on the sports ground.

Civil War Brews in Venezuela as Maduro Closes United Nations Human Rights Office

The Maduro Regime in Venezuela, South America, has closed the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and sent the commissioner packing. The mandate of the Office in any country is to support human rights for the residents of that country and take measures to protect them against human rights abuse – something that is rife under the government of Nicolas Maduro.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is Unfit for Government

It is not clear how Justin Trudeau became the Prime Minister of Canada in the first place, but it is clear that he is unfit for political office. Justin Trudeau has taken the first step towards authoritarian tendencies, tyranny, and dictatorship by banning international news outlets from reaching Canadians. Imagine a Canadian Guyanese not being able to know what is going on in their homeland from a firsthand source!

Young Tennis Champion Aims to Represent Guyana in the International Arena

Nathan De Nobrega, 13 years old, born April 4th 2010 – is a young tennis prodigy in Guyana. His tennis journey commenced in 2016 at the Rebel Tennis Club, where he was coached by the renowned Andre Erskine. Despite initial hesitation, Nathan’s brief test run with tennis blossomed into a profound passion for the sport. His academic brilliance and steady advancement through all areas of his life, including tennis, underscores his multifaceted talents.

Venezuela Appears to be Closing in on the Essequibo, but Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Worry

For months leading up to their infamous December 3 sham referendum, the Venezuelan government has been threatening to annex the Essequibo while ramping up troops and military equipment close to the border with Guyana. Even after CARICOM brokered peace talks and the signing of the Argyle agreement by Presidents of both countries, satellite images, international intelligence, and other hard evidence show that Venezuela has not slowed its military advances on the Essequibo, nor has it retracted its claim to it. In fact, right now, the official Venezuelan map includes the Essequibo as part of Venezuela – a flagrant move by the Maduro regime which can hopefully be rolled back after a change of Venezuelan government. But whether Maduro will even allow free and fair elections in Venezuela is highly doubtful.

Mohamed Expresses Disappointment at Ministry of Education Circular

Guyana’s most popular businessman and social media personality, Azzrudin Mohamed, appears to have taken personal offense at a Ministry of Education circular released in late January 2024. The circular (posted at the end of this article), which most people think is aimed at Team Mohamed’s or its Principal, Azzrudin Mohamed, prohibits headteachers from allowing private individuals access to schools or students even if the aim is to make donations. Any headteacher failing to comply with the instructions, the circular stated, will face disciplinary action.

Guyana is on the Rise!

Guyana, once the poorest or second poorest country in South America, and one of the poorest in the world, is making full circle turnout to becoming the richest in South America, and possibly the world. But this did not happen overnight. In 2015, Exxon Mobil announced humongous oil discoveries off the coasts of Guyana. Four years later, in 2019, Guyana, under the then David Granger Administration, exported its “first oil.” And nearly 9 years after the oil discovery, Guyana now boasts the highest GDP per capita, by far, in South America. And it is expected to climb further over the next ten years.

Can this Recently Discovered Superfood Add a New Layer to Guyana’s Wealth and Food Security?

The moringa tree, colloquially called saijan, grows naturally and prolifically in the country of Guyana. The plant thrives in hot, tropical climatic conditions. As hardy as wild bush, it requires little care and grows well on hard, poor soil. It a previous article, I referred to the saijan tree as “riches in the midst of poverty” because Guyanese, considering the readily available leaves a “poor man’s food” didn’t actually know there were consuming a million dollar product.

What is Dutch Disease, and Why Guyana is at Risk

Managing a booming oil economy has its upsides, but it also has its challenges. It is a job which demands the ability to strike a delicate balance while satisfying the cries and demands of an increasingly privileged population. Guyana’s President, Dr. Irfaan Ali, mentored by veteran economist and national leader, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, is in the hot seat saddled with the responsibility of transforming Guyana’s non-renewable oil resources into renewable, sustainable, long-term, economic success. And this is no walk in the park.

Guyana’s President Ali to Serve as Chairman of CARICOM

Guyana’s President Ali will serve as the Chairman of the Caribbean Common Market, also called the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) from January 1st to June 30th 2024. During the 2023 border crisis with Venezuela, Guyana relied heavily on intervention and mediation from CARICOM is deescalating the conflict. Team Guyana, South America wishes Dr. Irfaan Ali God’s guidance as he embarks on this noble role of chairing CARICOM.

Venezuelan Economy Regains Traction as US Lifts Sanctions

The once floundering Venezuelan economy, the failure of which has put millions of Venezuelans on the breadline and sent millions more fleeing starvation, is regaining traction as US lifts crippling sanctions and Venezuela becomes able to sell its oil to once blocked markets. Already, India, China, and United States have started to import crude from Venezuela bringing the glimmer of hope that the Venezuelan economy will be flooded with Petro dollars once again like it was in the good old days of the 90s.

Gas to Energy Project Expected to Reduce Electricity Cost by 50% and Cooking Gas Cost by 70%

The Guyana Government is moving full board ahead with its much criticized and debated Gas to Energy Project which is expected to be completed by 2025. Upon completion, President Ali said, electricity costs for the Guyanese people will be slashed by 50% and cooking gas by 70%. This will in turn contribute to the reduction of cost of living in the world’s fastest growing oil economy.

Police Say they Served Defendant Summons, but Burke Tells a Conflicting Story

An outspoken overseas based Guyanese, Mr. Rickford Burke, who has long been at loggerheads with Guyana’s ruling PPP/C administration, has been served defendant summons according to the Guyana Police Force, for a series of offenses ranging from cyber crimes to fraud. But Burke tells an entirely different story. He says that agents of the Guyana Police Force attempted to murder him on December 16 while leaving “pieces of paper” on his steps.

Understanding the Venezuelan Rhetoric of the Border Controversy

For most Guyanese, the idea of a Venezuelan takeover of the Essequibo is as repulsive as it is unthinkable. That’s because Guyana has been administering the Essequibo territory for centuries. It’s hard to wrap our minds around the thought that Venezuelans actually believe that the Essequibo belongs to them. However, a practical approach to this showdown demands that we understand the Venezuelan rhetoric with regards to the border dispute, thus shedding light on why so many Venezuelans say, “El Esequibo es de Venezuela.”

UK’s Minister David Rutley Visits Guyana to Strengthen Defense Against Venezuela

UK’s Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, has firmly expressed his support for Guyana in the border controversy with Venezuela. His voice, added to those of a conglomerate of nations, helped to break Maduro’s resolve in annexing the Essequibo and pushed him to attend the CARICOM/CELAC brokered peace talks in St. Vincent and the Grenadines where a brand new Peace Agreement was signed between Guyana and Venezuela.

Guyana Records World’s Highest Economic Growth Over Last Decade

In order to compile a list of the 20 countries with the highest rate of economic growth in 10 years, we sourced data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The most recent data was available from 2022. We considered the growth in real GDP for all countries over the last 10 years. We averaged the real GDP growth rates of countries over the last 10 years and ranked them in ascending order.

Suriname is Expected to Surpass Guyana in Oil Production in a Few Years

But it seems like, very soon, Guyana’s eastern neighbor will steal its crown as the world’s fastest growing oil economy. Suriname is estimated to have more than 30 billion barrels of oil and drilling has already started. With a population far less than Guyana, the former Dutch colony is also about to steal Guyana’s coveted title of having the highest proven oil reserves “per capita.”

A Subdued Maduro Now Faces Severe Backlash from His Supporters

A few months ago, starting around October, 2023, Venezuela’s dictator President, Nicolas Maduro starting railing up like a fuming dragon, threatening to seize the once disputed Essequibo territory of Guyana “by all means possible.” He held expensive street rallies and activated the military as together, citizens, Presidential Palace and Defense Ministry beat the drums of war all the way to December 3, 2023. Then came the results of the referendum. Although questionable, it showed that the government won popular support in its ambition to annex the Essequibo by force.

No Accident, No Coincidence, But an Act of Divine Providence

Cloud forming shapes approximating the shape of the Guyana map starting appearing at various locations above Guyana since 2015 – just when Venezuela starting reviving its claim of the Essequibo.

In the minds of many Guyanese, this is no accident, but a heavenly reminder that God has determined Guyana’s borders and will always watch over and protect it. Guyana’s hands down, overwhelming success in subduing Venezuela’s most recent acts of aggression may very well lend credibility to this thought.

Venezuela and Guyana Agree to Keep South America a Zone of Peace

While it does not guarantee that other South American nations will not go to war with each other for whatever reasons, Guyana and Venezuela has, yesterday, in a historic development, agreed to do their part in keeping South America a zone of peace. The agreement was reached during a CARICOM brokered meeting aimed at promoting peace between the two neighboring countries. It was mediated by leaders from both CELAC and CARICOM.

BREAKING! Nicolas Maduro Calls for Peace and Dialogue

A now subdued Maduro, battered by overwhelming support for Guyana and strong condemnation of his aggression towards Guyana, after much saber rattling, has now lowered his guns and is calling for peace and dialogue in the context of the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy. But is it a genuine sentiment or just the calm before another storm? What happens when Maduro walks away from the meeting today without what he wants – a compromise on the Essequibo region – which President is firmly resolved not to give in to? Will he continue to talk peace or will he start to beat the drums of war all over again?

Venezuelan Military Reportedly Constructing A New Naval Base 70 KM from Guyana

The Venezuelan military has announced, on the 30th of November, 2023, that it is constructing a new naval base 70 km away from Guyana. When Venezuela’s Admiral Neil Villamizar Sánchez, Chief Commander of the Bolivarian Navy of Venezuela, made the announcement on X (formerly Twitter), he spoke in the context of “recovering” the disputed Essequibo county of Guyana. According to Neil Sánchez, the new naval base is part of a broader strategy. It will strengthen maritime logistics, especially in the Orinoco Delta.

Maduro Reportedly Offered Lula the Once Disputed Pirara Area in Exchange for Military Alliance

Confidential sources close to both the Venezuelan and Brazilian government and military related to this publication on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak about the subject that Nicolas Maduro proposed to Lula Da Silva of Brazil that he would return the once-disputed Pirara Area to Brazil if Brazil allows the Venezuelan military to access its border in order to invade Guyana through Region 9.

Risk of Venezuelan Invasion of Guyana Now Greatly Reduced

From rallying an army of liberators whom he compares to the likes of Bolivar Simon, to proclaiming an unwavering commitment to peace and freedom tempered with the defense of sovereignty, the back and forth between war and peace coming from Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has been a hard one to keep up with. One thing is for sure, in the last two months or so, the Chavista had the Guyanese people and Government on their knees and toes.

Is Nicolas Maduro Daring Enough to Test the Resolve of the United Kingdom?

While Venezuela may have spent a lot of money building up its military, it is no position to sustain a full scale war. With its stockpile of 5,000 Russian-made MANPADS surface-to-air weapons, Venezuela may be very capable of defending itself against an attack and stave off an incursion into its own territory. But while its defense capability may be strong, its collapsed economy has weakened the military’s attack capabilities. In spite of this, Venezuela’s dictator president, Nicolas Maduro, is threatening to annex the Essequibo region of Guyana and occupy it by force.

GDF Reports that it Has Located Missing Helicopter “Crash Site” and “Signs of Life”

The Guyana Defense Force has today, 7th of December, 2023, at around 11:00 AM, issued a statement that it has located the suspected crash site of the missing GDF Bell 412 helicopter with which it lost signal some time during the morning hours of Wednesday, 6th of December, 2023. The GDF also stated that the aircraft was spotted and that the search and rescue team has reported “signs of life” at the crash site.

Brazil is Committed to Remaining Neutral in Event of War Between Guyana and Venezuela

In a previous article, we explained how President Ali had asked President Lula of Brazil around November 19, 2023 to dissuade Nicolas Maduro from holding his December 3 referendum aimed at annexing the Essequibo county by force. We also explained how President Lula did little to nothing to help the situation. Venezuela is threatening to annex the Essequibo, and is moving forward, which by itself is a threat of war. The Guyana Government, lacking a competent military, is relying on diplomatic strength to tide Guyana over this situation.

Nicolas Maduro Has Virtually Declared War on Guyana

On Sunday, 3rd of December, 2023, dictator president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, held a referendum which sought the approval of the Venezuelan people to annex the Essequibo territory and make it part of Venezuela – by force and without consultation with, or the approval of, the Guyana Government. According to the National Electorate Council of Venezuela, over 10 million voters turned up to the polls and over 95% voted yes to all five of the following questions:

Do Venezuelans Really Believe that the Essequibo Belongs to Venezuela?

It has been taught in Venezuelan schools for the last 50 years or more that the Essequibo belongs to Venezuela and that the British stole it from them. But when Venezuelans wanted to visit the Essequibo, they made sure they got their passport stamped. They learned in theory then that the Essequibo belongs to Venezuela and in practice that it belongs to Guyana. This causes serious mental crosscurrents in their minds.

Maria Corina Chooses Her Words Carefully While Condemning Maduro’s Essequibo Referendum

Maria Coria Machado, Venezuela’s political front runner and leader of the main opposition party which is expected to challenge Nicolas Maduro for the Presidency in October 2024, has condemned Nicolas Maduro’s December 3 referendum which seeks public support in annexing the Essequibo. But she has chosen her words very carefully and wisely. On one hand, she seems to want to send a message of peace and respect for international law to the Guyanese Government and people, but at the same time, she has to avoid being seen as a traitor to the Venezuelan people who were erroneously being taught since primary school that “the Essequibo belongs to Venezuela.”

A Drowning Maduro is Attempting to Take Guyana Down With Him

Maduro’s philosophy right now seems to be, “if I’m going down, I’m taking some people down with me.” And those include leaders, civilians, and soldiers in both Guyana and Venezuela. Since the Chavista took office in 2013, he has done nothing good for the people of Venezuela. He has heartlessly overseen mass migration, unprecedented inflation of the Venezuelan currency, medical and food shortages, and the overall suffering of the Venezuelan people.

Guyana Cannot Depend on Brazil for Military Support if Venezuela Invades

It is unlikely that the current Brazilian government, headed by Lula Da Silva, will give military support to Guyana in the event of an invasion by Venezuela. In fact, “unlikely” is a bit of an understatement. It is almost certain that Brazil, on its current stance and trajectory, will render any sort of military assistance to Guyana in the event of a Venezuelan incursion into Guyana.