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10-Year-Old Girl Left Traumatized, Stops Going to School, and Threatens Suicide After Bullying at School
18th of April, 2024. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.
Last updated: April 19, 2024 at 2:43 amThe mother of a 10 year old girl child who attends school at a certain Essequibo Island in Region 3 has reached out this publication to voice her distress at a series of disturbing incidents which has left the child traumatized and threatening to “kill herself.”
The mother of the young girl alleges that certain adult employees of the school have recently teamed up to harass and bully the child, and also instigate others to bully the child, causing her to stop going to school and threatening to kill herself if she is forced to do so.
This publication interviewed the said child in the presence of her mother and the child repeated the same allegations that she is being humiliated and “embarrassed” by the said individuals.
What’s even more disturbing however, is that the mother of the girl has reached out to several persons and offices in authority for help to no avail. She explained that she is being given a royal push around and ignored. The mother of the child also expressed concern that the National Grade Six Assessment Examinations are right around the corner and her child is not going to school.
According to the mother of the young girl, her daughter is being targeted because of grievances of a personal nature between her and a certain employee of the said school. She alleges that this individual harasses and bullies her child as revenge for the personal issues between the adults.
Team Guyana, South America calls on the relevant authorities, including the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Services, to launch a thorough investigation into this matter so as to resolve it in the child’s favor as early as possible. No child should be victimized because of adult issues. This is totally unacceptable and a cause for grave concern.
If this matter is not resolved within one week, this publication will launch a deeper investigation into the matter and start naming persons.