Letters to the Editor

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Opinion: Guyana Should Avoid a War with Venezuela Entirely – by Wayne Augusto Mann

A Guyanese citizen presently residing in Brazil has weighed in on the existing border controversy with Venezuela and the ever increasing threat of war. According to Mr. Wayne Augusto Mann, it will not be a good idea to engage the Venezuelan military in combat by putting up a resistance since Guyana has a very small number of soldiers and people and little to no weapons, tanks, and other military equipment. Mr. Mann advises the Guyana Government to use wisdom instead to take Guyana through this existential crisis.

Citizen Expresses Worry and Concern Over Deplorable State of Charity Waterfront Wharf

I would like to bring your attention the beautiful Charity waterfront and its lovely wharf. Look at the condition of this thing. I’m calling on the Ministry of Public Works. Year come, year go, budget pass for this, budget pass for that, and still this wharf, which is a main point in Essequibo, a main thoroughfare for residents of Pomeroon, Moruca and other locations, is still in a deplorable condition.

Let the New Year Find Us With Light Hearts and Clean Slates – by Ronald J. Daniels

I challenge us not to write lengthy resolutions. Let’s be honest about how many of those we abandon soon after we pen them – soon after our burning desires to change are consumed by our surrender to our regular ways. Let us keep our goals tight and realistic. If we commit to a few realistic goals, we will accomplish infinitely more than the scrolls of resolutions that we routinely pen.

Letter: Regardless of Whom We Fancy Burnham to be, He deserves to be Celebrated

So my people, it is with a heavy heart that I learnt that the National Library on Monday (23rd of May, 2022) canceled its permission to the Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham Foundation to host the Foundation’s Commemorative Exhibition celebrating the life of Forbes Burnham and in particular his contributions to our independence struggle and securing our independence.

Letter: I Was Trafficked, I’m Sorry, and I Need to Come Home

Earlier this year (January, 2022), we had written a story about a Guyanese woman who is trapped in a Syrian Refugee camp with her two children, and who is appealing to the government of Guyana to repatriate her. However, despite being aware of the situation, the government has done little to help. Calls to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by this publication have been met with the Royal Push Around.