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BREAKING! Nicolas Maduro Calls for Peace and Dialogue

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14th of December, 2023. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: December 14, 2023 at 16:33 pm

A now subdued Maduro, battered by overwhelming international support for Guyana and strong condemnation of his aggression towards Guyana, after much saber rattling, has now lowered his guns, raised the white flag, and is calling for peace and dialogue in the context of the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy. But is it a genuine sentiment or just the calm before another storm? What happens when Maduro walks away from the meeting today without what he wants – a compromise on the Essequibo region – which President Ali is firmly resolved not to give in to? Will he continue to talk peace or will he start to beat the drums of war all over again?

A lot rides today on how President Ali builds his case for peace and cooperation between the two countries without violating the December 1 ruling of the ICJ: neither party shall engage in any action that could alter the current status of the territory in dispute. Indeed, both Venezuela and Guyana has a lot to offer each other if peace and good sense prevails, and peace within the South American and Caribbean communities should be a top priority for everyone.

The following statement was taken from the Facebook Page of the government of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela today, 14th of December, 2023.

Head of State, Nicolas Maduro, advocates for dialogue and peace in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Caracas, December 14, 2023

Today, the Head of State, Nicolás Maduro , upon arriving in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, firmly declared his commitment to dialogue and peace. In his visit, he emphasized the importance of defending our country’s historic right through the path of negotiation, seeking effective solutions. This stance demonstrates the will to find mutual understanding and work together to resolve the challenges we face as a nation. The Government of Venezuela reaffirms its commitment to dialogue as a fundamental instrument to build a better future for all Venezuelans.

The Venezuelan Head of State affirmed that the path of dialogue is fundamental to finding peaceful and lasting solutions to the challenges facing Venezuela today. He also stressed the importance of respecting the country’s historical right and agreements to seek mutual benefits for both parties.

This stance demonstrates the will to find mutual understanding and work together to resolve the challenges we face as a nation. The Government of Venezuela reaffirms its commitment to dialogue as a fundamental instrument to build a better future for all Venezuelans.


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