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5 mins read

The Venezuelan Military is Constructing a Bridge Linking the Ankoko Island to Guyana

A few months ago, I followed the Venezuelan government’s media pages and read with interest the stories of the Venezuelan military building a steel base concrete bridge connecting the once disputed Ankoko Island to the rest of Venezuela. For those of you who didn’t know, Venezuela seized the disputed Ankoko Island and turned it into a military base in 1966 without an ounce of resistance or a shot fired from Guyana. Forbes Burnham was in power at the time.

1 min read

International Criminal Court Contemplating Arrest of Netanyahu and other Israeli Government and Military Officials

The International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands (different from the International Court of Justice), is contemplating arresting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as other Israeli Government and military officials for alleged war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity, reliable sources have said. The ICC also has on its list top Hamas officials for arrest warrants.

3 mins read

Why Israel Might be Pressuring Iran into a Full Scale War

On the 1st of April, 2024, the Israeli Defense Force reportedly struck an Iranian consulate building near to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria. The airstrike, reportedly carried out by Israeli F-35 military jets, killed a total of 16 persons, including Iranian officials, military personnel, and two civilians. After the airstrike, Israel did not take responsibility, nor did they deny it, but said they were bracing for an Iranian counteroffensive.

4 mins read

Civil War Brews in Venezuela as Maduro Closes United Nations Human Rights Office

The Maduro Regime in Venezuela, South America, has closed the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and sent the commissioner packing. The mandate of the Office in any country is to support human rights for the residents of that country and take measures to protect them against human rights abuse – something that is rife under the government of Nicolas Maduro.

4 mins read

Venezuela Appears to be Closing in on the Essequibo, but Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Worry

For months leading up to their infamous December 3 sham referendum, the Venezuelan government has been threatening to annex the Essequibo while ramping up troops and military equipment close to the border with Guyana. Even after CARICOM brokered peace talks and the signing of the Argyle agreement by Presidents of both countries, satellite images, international intelligence, and other hard evidence show that Venezuela has not slowed its military advances on the Essequibo, nor has it retracted its claim to it. In fact, right now, the official Venezuelan map includes the Essequibo as part of Venezuela – a flagrant move by the Maduro regime which can hopefully be rolled back after a change of Venezuelan government. But whether Maduro will even allow free and fair elections in Venezuela is highly doubtful.

3 mins read

Venezuela Deploys 5,600 Troops to Engage in Defensive Military Exercises at Guyana’s Borders

Both President Irfaan Ali and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo reiterated that the visit of the HMS Trent or any of Guyana’s military maneuvers pose no threat to Venezuela or any sovereign state. But Nicolas Maduro insists that accepting the HMS Trent on Guyana’s shores violates the Peace Agreement signed in St. Vincent.

7 mins read

Venezuela and Guyana Agree to Keep South America a Zone of Peace

While it does not guarantee that other South American nations will not go to war with each other for whatever reasons, Guyana and Venezuela has, yesterday, in a historic development, agreed to do their part in keeping South America a zone of peace. The agreement was reached during a CARICOM brokered meeting aimed at promoting peace between the two neighboring countries. It was mediated by leaders from both CELAC and CARICOM.

2 mins read

BREAKING! Nicolas Maduro Calls for Peace and Dialogue

A now subdued Maduro, battered by overwhelming support for Guyana and strong condemnation of his aggression towards Guyana, after much saber rattling, has now lowered his guns and is calling for peace and dialogue in the context of the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy. But is it a genuine sentiment or just the calm before another storm? What happens when Maduro walks away from the meeting today without what he wants – a compromise on the Essequibo region – which President is firmly resolved not to give in to? Will he continue to talk peace or will he start to beat the drums of war all over again?

3 mins read

Venezuelan Military Reportedly Constructing A New Naval Base 70 KM from Guyana

The Venezuelan military has announced, on the 30th of November, 2023, that it is constructing a new naval base 70 km away from Guyana. When Venezuela’s Admiral Neil Villamizar Sánchez, Chief Commander of the Bolivarian Navy of Venezuela, made the announcement on X (formerly Twitter), he spoke in the context of “recovering” the disputed Essequibo county of Guyana. According to Neil Sánchez, the new naval base is part of a broader strategy. It will strengthen maritime logistics, especially in the Orinoco Delta.

2 mins read

Brazil’s President Lula Rebukes Maduro and Makes Mockery of Referendum

On December 3, 2023, in a press conference in Brazil, Lula Da Silva rebuked Nicolas Maduro for his aggression towards Guyana and threat of invasion, and also made fun of the December 3 referendum which sought popular support in annexing the Essequibo county of Guyana.

3 mins read

Timeline of Guyana/Venezuela Border Controversy

Be sure to like our Facebook Page: Guyana, South America for more! 12th of December, 2023. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News. Understanding why Venezuelans think that the Essequibo belongs to them gives one a good insight into why some of them are so determined to fight for it. Nevertheless, as UK Foreign Secretary, […]

5 mins read

Risk of Venezuelan Invasion of Guyana Now Greatly Reduced

From rallying an army of liberators whom he compares to the likes of Bolivar Simon, to proclaiming an unwavering commitment to peace and freedom tempered with the defense of sovereignty, the back and forth between war and peace coming from Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has been a hard one to keep up with. One thing is for sure, in the last two months or so, the Chavista had the Guyanese people and Government on their knees and toes.

4 mins read

The Essequibo or a War? Which Does Maduro Want More?

Nicolas Maduro is looking for two things right now: a war and the Essequibo. But whether he wants a war or the Essequibo more is not clear. Venezuela is more than 4 times bigger than Guyana with immense unexplored land space full of gold, diamond, oil, and minerals, so why is Nicolas Maduro so desperate to clip off two-thirds Guyana’s territory?

2 mins read

Brazil is Committed to Remaining Neutral in Event of War Between Guyana and Venezuela

In a previous article, we explained how President Ali had asked President Lula of Brazil around November 19, 2023 to dissuade Nicolas Maduro from holding his December 3 referendum aimed at annexing the Essequibo county by force. We also explained how President Lula did little to nothing to help the situation. Venezuela is threatening to annex the Essequibo, and is moving forward, which by itself is a threat of war. The Guyana Government, lacking a competent military, is relying on diplomatic strength to tide Guyana over this situation.

3 mins read

A Drowning Maduro is Attempting to Take Guyana Down With Him

Maduro’s philosophy right now seems to be, “if I’m going down, I’m taking some people down with me.” And those include leaders, civilians, and soldiers in both Guyana and Venezuela. Since the Chavista took office in 2013, he has done nothing good for the people of Venezuela. He has heartlessly overseen mass migration, unprecedented inflation of the Venezuelan currency, medical and food shortages, and the overall suffering of the Venezuelan people.

1 min read

Did Venezuelans Remove and Replace the Guyana Flag Hoisted by President Ali?

A few weeks ago, President Ali, along with a team consisting of GDF personnel and others, flew via helicopter to the Pakaraima Mountain ranges bordering Venezuela, planted a flag pole, and hoisted the Golden Arrow Head in a show of resistance to Venezuela’s claim of the Essequibo.

2 mins read

World Court Orders Venezuela Not to Invade Or Annex the Essequibo

Be sure to like our Facebook Page: Guyana, South America for more! 1st of December, 2023. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News. In response to an application filed by the Guyana Government, the International Court of Justice has, on 1st of December, 2023, ordered Venezuela not to take any action or jurisdiction over the […]

4 mins read

Guyana Cannot Depend on Brazil for Military Support if Venezuela Invades

It is unlikely that the current Brazilian government, headed by Lula Da Silva, will give military support to Guyana in the event of an invasion by Venezuela. In fact, “unlikely” is a bit of an understatement. It is almost certain that Brazil, on its current stance and trajectory, will render any sort of military assistance to Guyana in the event of a Venezuelan incursion into Guyana.

5 mins read

How Nicolas Maduro is Using the Essequibo as a Political Ploy to Cling to Power

There’s just about three days left before Venezuela’s 3rd of December referendum which seeks to ratify the support of the Venezuelan people for forcefully annexing the Essequibo county of Guyana and making it into a new state within the country of Venezuela. While the Guyana Government has petitioned the ICJ to issue a ruling that confirms the illegality of such a move, and the court is scheduled to do so on Friday, December, 1, 2023, president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, has said that that won’t stop him from flooding the Essequibo with Venezuelan soldiers and civilians and demarcating new boundaries for Venezuela after the referendum.

2 mins read

Brazilian Media Officially Confirms Military Reinforcements on the Venezuela/Brazil Border

Brazil’s largest and most reputable media house, Globo, has officially confirmed on the afternoon of Tuesday, November, 29th, 2023, that Brazilian military reinforcements were being sent to the border between Venezuela and Brazil and Pacaraima to protect the citizens of Brazil in the event of a war between Venezuela and Guyana, or if Venezuela invades Guyana with low to no resistance.

2 mins read

Brazil Moves Troops, Military Equipment to its Border with Venezuela Amidst Fears that Venezuela Might Invade Guyana

The Brazilian Army went on alert in the early hours of Saturday, 25th of November, 2023 after receiving intelligence information about a possible intention to invade Guyana from Venezuela, which would require the passage of troops through Brazilian territory. As a precaution, the High Command began the emergency mobilization of troops to the border.

3 mins read

Brazilian Mediation Fails to Halt Maduro’s December 3 Referendum

As of today, 26th of November, 2023, exactly one week is left before the Maduro Regime executes is referendum whereby Venezuelan citizens go to the polls to vote on whether or not they want the government to annex the Essequibo county of Guyana into Venezuelan territory. The Venezuelan military has been activated and put on full alert. Its mandate is to “defend the Essequibo” after the presumably successful December 3 referendum.

2 mins read

Dr. Jagdeo Says All Options Are On the Table as Guyana Braces for a Possible Venezuelan Invasion

For far too long, the Guyana Government has simply shrugged at the thought of Venezuela invading the Essequibo and occupying it, but in recent days, they seem to be taking it a bit more seriously. Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, in a press conference yesterday, 23rd of November, 2023, said that all options are on the table for protecting Guyana from a Venezuelan invasion of the Essequibo, and this includes use of force.

1 min read

There Will Be No Closure of Lethem Trail or Brazil Border

Another rumor which recently started to circulate is that the the Lethem Trail and Kurupukari Crossing will be closed today, 24th of November, 2023. This publication wishes to advise that, as of today, 24th of November, 2023 at 12:00 Noon, there are no plans in place by the Government of Guyana to close the Lethem Trail or Kurupukari Crossing.

4 mins read

Brazil Calls for Dialogue Between Venezuela and Guyana to Resolve Border Dispute

“Brazil made an exhortation, with all other countries, for understanding, the diplomatic and peaceful solution of disputes. I had the opportunity to say that Brazil strongly supports negotiations, understandings and arbitration, with appeals to international courts, such as the Court of The Hague, whenever possible”, said the chancellor.

1 min read

Brazil Monitors the Possibility of War Between Venezuela and Guyana

Venezuela has scheduled a referendum for December 3rd regarding the possibility of annexing the Essequibo region. The territory in question is part of Guyana, meaning the situation could cause a war between the two countries. Therefore, Itamaraty diplomats are already observing the situation and looking for ways to maintain peace.

3 mins read

It’s Time for Guyana to Invest Heavily in Its Military

The Guyanese Government is grossly incompetent where it comes to defense. There is no plan of action, no contingency plans, no mutual defense arrangement, and no material military equipment acquisition. It’s mostly believing in hopes and prayers that the western world comes to its aid…which they might, but at what cost to the people of Guyana?

8 mins read

Is Brazil Ready For An All-Out War Against Russia?

Be sure to like our Facebook Page: Guyana, South America for more! Article First Published on: 10th December 2018. Officials in Caracas have warned Guyana that the oil is located in disputed waters and that any extraction of oil in those territories is illegal. On the 10th of December, 2018, NBC News reported that Russia […]