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Prime Minister Phillips Declares Annual Heritage Games Open – Photos

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Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Hon. Mark Phillips earlier today (14th of October, 2022) declared the annual Heritage Games 2022 open. The games could not be held for two years owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Prime Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to investing in sports throughout the country. PM Phillips noted that sports play an integral role in the transformation that is underway.

Teams from Regions One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Seven, Eight, Nine and 10 will be participating in the annual games at the Everest Cricket Ground in Georgetown, Guyana, South America.

Ministers of Amerindian Affairs, Hon. Pauline Sukhai, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Hon. Nigel Dharamlall, and members of the diplomatic corps were present at the event.

The games will run for three days in disciplines such as cricket, football, volleyball and swimming among other activities.

Source: Department of Public Information

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