The Ingenious Indigenous by Aaron Gangadeen
This beautiful artwork along with the text explanation posted below was sent in by one of our fans, Guyanese Aaron Gangadeen.
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This beautiful artwork along with the text explanation posted below was sent in by one of our fans, Guyanese Aaron Gangadeen.
Tacoma worms are a delicacy for some groups of indigenous peoples in Guyana. It is prepared in a variety of ways. It is often it is roasted on an open fire. One of the simplest ways the indigenous peoples use to cook the tacoma worms are roasting them in a pan with some salt and pepper…yummy! The tacoma worms are also used as bait for fish.
Our Land, Our Life is a beautiful song astoundingly performed by Guyanese singer/performer Galina Edmund. The song, presented in the native language of the Arecuna tribe of Indigenous peoples of Guyana, expresses appreciation for the land and all it provides for the people that inhabit it. At the same time, it showcases the simple, beautiful, and sustainable lifestyle of the Arecuna Tribe of Indigenous peoples. The Arecuna Tribe of Indigenous are found in Paruima Village in Region 7 which is the village from which Galina Edmund hails.
Berlinda Francis, of Katoonarib Village in the South Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, South America is a farmer, cook, and small scale rancher. She also has a strong and inherent love for animals. And in this context, she shares her story of adopting a pet tapir from the time it was only a few months old.
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Hon. Mark Phillips earlier today (14th of October, 2022) declared the annual Heritage Games 2022 open. The games could not be held for two years owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Prime Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to investing in sports throughout the country. PM Phillips noted that sports play an integral role in the transformation that is underway.
Historical evidence suggests that the Amerindians came from the continent of Asia “thousands of years ago.” And there are artefacts across Guyana which corroborate the theory of indigenous presence in Guyana thousands of years before the arrival of Christopher Columbus.