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Young Woman Pleads for Financial Assistance for Emergency Surgery
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Young Woman Pleads for Financial Assistance for Emergency Surgery

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16th of August, 2024. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: August 31, 2024 at 1:02 am

A young Guyanese woman has made the brave and admirable step of reaching out to the general public for financial assistance needed to undergo a surgical operation after she was diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition. Sacrificing her own pride in the noble duty of fighting for own life, Anjanie Singh, who resides in Mon Repos Village, East Coast Demerara, first published her story on Facebook on the 13th of August, 2024. The post has since gone viral with many expressing sympathies and prayers, and a handful making donations. Anjanie told this publication today, 17th of August, 2024, that so far, she has received a little over $150,000 Guyana dollars from MMG donations from kind individuals. She needs a total of $7,000,000 Guyana dollars. The Ministry of Health has pledged to assist her with $1,000,000 Guyana dollars.

Below is a description of the sequence of events that led to Anjanie’s diagnosis of Saccular Aneurysm, along with screenshots of the medical documents.

Editor’s Note: There are lots of scams going around the internet nowadays, and you have every right to be sketical and exercise caution. This publication asked Dr. Elber Borrego, a Cuban Trained medical doctor attached to the Linden Hospital Complex, to visit Anjanie Singh and authenticate her story, which he did. Dr. Borrego assures you that Anjanie’s story is authentic, and not a scam to raise money.

I, Dr. Elber Borrego Almaguer, hereby certify that I have visited Anjanie Singh and examined her medical documents. I can assure you that her story is true and authentic, and she genuinely needs financial assistance.

Anjanie’s Story

On May 1st, 2024, at around 1:30 am, the last thing I can remember is having a severe headache and vomiting. Then I fainted. My sister called an ambulance and my mother took me to the hospital. I was still vomiting and complaining of severe headache as my mom explained to me when I regained consciousness, although I can’t recall any of it.

My mother explained that they tested my pressure and it was very high. Then the doctor there advised that I would be admitted. My mother was still there in the morning hours before it even reached to 6 am.

The first CT scan was done and mom and later on my sister came so they were advised of a sub-hemorrhage. They were advised to purchase a Nimodipine which is used to is used to treat symptoms resulting from a ruptured blood vessel in the brain (subarachnoid hemorrhage). It works by increasing the blood flow to injured brain tissue.

I actually spent 5 days in the hospital and was then discharged. During the stay at the hospital, I had to use a tube to urinate, although I can’t fully recall the nights and days there .

After I was discharged, I stayed in my bed most of the time feeling like I was about to lose consciousness frequently. During the months of May, June, and July, I was steadily visiting the Hospital for the symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, and severe headache.

I can’t recall the dates but I did around 4 more CT scans . I was given a clinic date for July 8 2024. It was neurological clinic and I was recommended to do an MRA. I took the results back on the 22nd of July and then my heart broke into pieces when they advised me a surgery needs to be done.

I was advised that the surgery would be free and done at Public hospital . During the week of August 5 2024, I had to do blood test, heart test , X-ray and I was called again on August 12 when I was advised that the surgery cannot be done at the Public Hospital. It has to be done at a Private Hospital. I was advised that the cost is approximately $7,000,000 Guyana dollars. The Ministry of Health has pledged to donate 1 million Guyana dollars.

I have resorted to pleading for assistance since, being the sole breadwinner of my family, I am on sick leave cannot work; and these circumstances have left me covered in a mountain of bills and overdue rent.

If you would like to donate to Anjanie’s cause, you can do so in the following ways.

Her sister’s bank account:

  • Sherlyn Singh
  • Demerara Bank Account
  • Savings account
  • # 001002516748

MMG# +5926444484

GoFundMe: Donate to Save Anjanie’s Life.

If you would like to contact Anjanie Singh to ask any questions before making a donation, you can call her directly on (592) 644 4484.

Editor’s Note: Kindly do not contact Anjanie unless you are serious about helping her as her illness makes it difficult to do everyday tasks. We’re kindly asking that you do not contact her unnecessarily.


19th of August, 2024.

A truly inspiring story…

Since we first published this article, Anjanie has raised about 300,000 of the 7,000,000 Guyana dollars needed for her surgery.

One donor story, however, is particularly touching. Anjanie said a Muslim gentleman, who wishes to remain anonymous, traveled with his family all the way from Zeelugt on the West Coast of Demerara to her home in Mon Repos on the East Coast of Demerara. The gentleman donated a generous sum to Anjanie. He told her that he was motivated in part to help because he lost his own daughter at the age of 4 to a similar medical condition because he didn’t have the funds required for the surgery his daughter needed. 💔❤🙏

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