07 Mar, 2025

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1 min read

Hoplias Aimara, Known in Guyana as the Haimara or Wolf Fish

The species of freshwater fish, Hoplias Aimara, is known in Guyana as the haimara or wolf fish. In other parts of the world, it is called anjumara, traira, trahira, manjuma, anjoemara, and wolf fish. The haimara is a freshwater fish which grows to more than 4 feet in length, but the average length is 3 feet. It weighs on average 88 lbs. The haimara is native to northern South American countries including Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, French Guiana, and Suriname. It is also found in the rivers of neighboring Trinidad and Tobago.

1 min read

The Tarpon Fish is Colloquially Called Cuffum

The tarpon may be described as a “euryhaline species” because it can survive in a wide variety of salinity and therefore lives in both the ocean and in fresh waters. The tarpon breeds mostly in the oceans in salt water. The females can lay up to 12 million eggs at once. They spawn their eggs between the months of March and July. Tarpons tend to swim upriver from the ocean and often inhabit rivers, creeks, tidal pools, and salt marshes. Some return to the ocean but others stay in freshwater locations.

1 min read

The Hydrolycus Armatus or Payara Fish

The hydrolycus armatus, or payara, is a predatory fish that preys on smaller fishes. It uses its sharp fangs to impale preys. The payara can grow to up to 1 meter in length. The hydrolycus armatus is often confused with its smaller cousin which only grows up to 1.7 feet, the hydrolycus scomberoides, also called payara and vampire fish.

2 mins read

Electrophorus Electricus or Electric Eel

The electric eel is living proof of a fact we all know: that God invented electricity long before humans discovered it. The electric eel is a natural marvel which produces electricity through bodily functions. It can electrocute other animals, but is never affected by the electrical shocks it delivers.

2 mins read

The Arapaima, One of Guyana’s “Giants,” is the World’s Largest Freshwater Fish

Guyana is known as the land of the giants, and the arapaima, the world’s largest freshwater fish, is one of the reasons why. The arapaima is a “gentle giant” with a suction power that is damaging to smaller fish up to four feet away. The arapaima can grow as long as 3 meters and weigh up to 440 pounds. In 2015, a monster arapaima was caught in Guyana which weighed 416 pounds!