Christmas in Guyana (Poem)
In Guyana’s land of golden hue,
Christmas comes with skies so blue.
Fairy lights twinkle, streets aglow,
As joy and warmth through hearts do flow.
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In Guyana’s land of golden hue,
Christmas comes with skies so blue.
Fairy lights twinkle, streets aglow,
As joy and warmth through hearts do flow.
Beneath the skies of sapphire blue,
Where golden sunbeams pierce the dew,
Lies a land of splendor, wild and free,
Guyana’s heart beats, from river to sea.
Guyana is known for its especially delicious and tasty foods. As someone who has traveled well, I can attest to the fact that Guyana boasts one of the world’s richest culinary blend. Our snacks are especially tasty and unrivaled in the world. On many occasions, when I spent a long time out of Guyana, I found myself craving for Guyanese snacks such as eggball, bara, poulourie, etc, and also Guyanese food such as dhal and rice which is not known in some parts of the world. In these cases, I had to make them on my own or teach my foreign friends how to make them for me. One time, I had to ask friends from Guyana to traffic a few bottles of casareep from Guyana to the south of Brazil for me.
The country of Guyana, South America has a rich history of cultural and ethnic diversity. Although the indigenous peoples were here first, it wasn’t until European settlement and colonization that Guyana started its journey as a civilized nation. Despite the brutal smear of slavery, British contribution to the development of Guyana and other Caribbean nations has paved the way for a bright future. Here is a poem written by Guyanese born author Patrick Carpen which elaborates on the theme of Guyana’s rich heritage forged through its tapestry of six ethnic groups united as one.
A country’s evolution can be traced in documentaries, novels, short stories, movies, essays, poems, articles, and much more. Here is a beautiful poem written by Guyanese born author Patrick Carpen summarizing Guyana’s evolution from the arrival of Europeans to present day (2024).
To say “never” is a bold statement, and it is certainly not advisable. After all, we live in a world where anything is possible, and the bible reiterates that, “all things are possible with God.” Nevertheless, what I wish to express by this headline is that the chances of the populated areas of Guyana being hit by a hurricane is so infinitesimally small that we may very well consider it a near-impossibility. While nothing is impossible, we can say that it is highly improbable.
Be sure to like our Facebook Page: Guyana, South America for more! The Guyana, South America is rapidly growing and we are looking for talented individuals to join our team. We currently have vacancies for the following: Video Creator Social Media Managers Translators Writers Real Estate Agents Videographers Photographers Web Developers/Coders Journalists/Reporters Tour Guides Administrative…
Guyana, a small English-speaking country at the edge of the South American continent, is relatively underdeveloped. This leaves immense opportunities for development and wealth creation through meaningful investments. We invite both local and foreigners to take advantage of investment opportunities in Guyana.
Guyana’s National Anthem is the chief of Guyana’s many national songs. When the National Anthem of Guyana is being played or sung, patriotic citizens of Guyana are expected to stand “at attention” to show their respect and loyalty to the country of Guyana.
What is intellectual property rights? Intellectual property rights is the rights of a creator to exclusively use a creative work. Copyright is a form of intellectual property rights which protect written material. There is also intellectual property rights that cover other forms of creatives such as photos and videos.
Under the Geneva Agreement, the following were pursued by Guyana and Venezuela: Four (4) years (1966-1970) of meeting through a Mixed Commission involving bilateral talks between Guyana and Venezuela, a twelve (12) year moratorium (with the purpose of allowing both governments to promote cooperation and understanding while the border claim was in abeyance) and twenty years (1989 – 2017) of the Good Offices Process, under the aegis of the United Nations Secretary General (a process that allowed for bilateral discussions on a resolution of the controversy in the presence of the Secretary General’s personal representative).
The Guyana South America publication features businesses, products, and services across the country of Guyana, or relevant to the country of Guyana. Our sponsors are businesses or individuals who have paid for a full length article feature or other form or advertising, either one time or recurring. We show appreciation for our sponsors by aggressively promoting their business to our rapidly growing audience base beyond our contractual obligation. Because our sponsors help us improve and expand the Guyana, South America publication, we encourage you to support them as well.
Guyana, like other countries around the world, dedicate the 1st of May each year to pay homage to the hard work of the citizens of the country. On May 1st, each year, all businesses, banks, schools, etc. are closed, and the President addresses the nation paying particular attention to the upbuilding of the working class and those who toil relentless to enrich this great land of ours.
In an effort to keep you more informed about everything that’s happening in Guyana, we’re expanding and improving our Social Media presence. In this context, we’ve recently launched a Twitter Page for the first time where we’ll be tweeting updates about everything Guyana.
On the 17th of September, 2022, residents of Region 7, Guyana, South America reported that ice rained down from the skies over an extensive area across the Region. A resident of Kamarang, Veronica Clement, pulled out her mobile phone and made a video showing the ice pellets falling near to her home. You can see this and other videos of the hailstorm here.
Guyanese celebrate fifteen national holidays each year. Of these, 9 are religious holidays attributed to one of the three major religions (Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam) while 6 are non-religious.
Be sure to like our Facebook Page: Guyana, South America for more! Published: 1st of June, 2018 Dear Visitor, Welcome to Guyana by Patrick Carpen. My name is Patrick Carpen and I’m the creator, administrator and writer of this blog. There may be occasional contributions by other writers and content creators, but most of the…
Guyana’s history is a complicated story. It was colonized by the French, Dutch, and British at different points in history. However, the country had been existing for thousands of years before the arrival of the Europeans to Guyana’s shores.
Here is a compilation of national songs of Guyana, as well as other patriotic songs or songs by famous Guyanese which are not necessarily classified as a national song. These include the National Anthem, Guyana the Free, on the banks of the Kako River, My Native Land, and A Poet’s Prayer.
Guyana is a beautiful country located in the continent of South America. It is bordered by Brazil to the south, Suriname to the East, Venezuela to the west, and the Atlantic ocean to the north. It is the only country in South America with English as its official language. However, although English is the official language of Guyana, the Creolese dialect is more widely spoken than English in everyday conversations.