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Video: Teachers of Huis’t Dieren Primary Condemn Attack on Teachers

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Published: 14th of January, 2023. Guyana, South America. Guyana News.

Last updated: January 14, 2023 at 21:33 pm

On Wednesday, 11th of January, 2023, a male teacher was reportedly assaulted by a parent at Graham’s Hall Primary School on the East Coast of Demerara, Guyana, South America. Although the Ministry of Education released a statement condemning the attack on the teacher, it stopped short of explaining what might have provoked the attack. The next day, teachers across the country wore black to protest against violence against teachers.

However, on the same day, Thursday, 12th of January, 2023, a female teacher was attacked at St. Angela’s Primary School at Thomas Street, Georgetown, Region 4. A video surfaced showing a parent barging into the school’s compound, running up the stairs, and scrambling on to a teacher, dealing her several blows. A security guard attached to the school along with several other teachers who attempted to defend the teacher were also reportedly hurt. Although it is not clear to this publication what provoked the attack on the female teacher, there are some rumors that the said teacher had beaten the child of the attacker with a ruler in a way that was considered brutal.

The video below was sent in by teachers of Huis’t Dieren Primary which is located on the Essequibo Coast in Region 2 to stand in solidarity with teachers across the country as well as condemn attacks on teachers by irate parents.

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