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Bird Watching Cruise of the Demerara River – by Jane Miller

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Published: 3rd of January, 2023 by Patrick Carpen

Last updated: April 29, 2023 at 20:22 pm

British High Commissioner to Guyana, Jane Miller, made a tour of the Demerara River on 2nd of January, 2023. She brought back some amazing photos of the beautiful birds spotted over the Demerara River.

We’re posting the photos below for your viewing pleasure, and we hope you get inspired to do a Demerara River Birdwatching Cruise too!

Over the past 3 weeks, I’ve had friends here from the UK and done a whole series of day trips. Last night was a sunset bird watching cruise on the Demerara. Can’t believe I’ve been here for 18 months and only discovered it now!

Jane Miller – British High Commissioner to Guyana – 3rd of January, 2023

Wings Over the Demerara – These Beautiful Birds Make the Demerara River Their Home

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