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Presidential Guard Killed in Early Morning Accident

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16th of April, 2023. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: April 16, 2023 at 16:34 pm

Avandel Kevin Narine, a 24-year-old Police Corporal stationed at President Guard (PG) and attached to Castellani House, who resided at 41-42 New Market Street, Georgetown, was killed in an accident which occurred at about 06:20 hrs this morning, Sunday, 16th of April, 2023.

The tragic accident involved Motor Jeep PAD 3849 (a silver grey Land Cruiser Jeep owned by Anter Narine of 123 Alma Avenue, Prashad Nagar, Georgetown) and was driven at the time by Corporal Avandel Kevin Narine.

The three other occupants in the vehicle at the time were Arvin Enouch, a 24-year-old from Good Hope, East Coast Demerara; Marcia Dundas, a 23-year-old from Old Road, Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara; and Cassie Atkinson, a 22-year-old of Kitty, Georgetown.

Enquires disclosed that the Land Cruiser was proceeding South along the eastern side of the public road at Coverden, East Bank Demerara, at a fast rate of speed, when the driver was overtaking several vehicles which were proceeding in the same direction.

The driver reportedly lost control and collided with a lamppost situated on the western side of the road, and the vehicle ended up in a trench on the western side of the road.

As a result of the collision, the vehicle received extensive damage and the driver had to be taken out of the vehicle by the Police and public-spirited citizens in an unconscious condition along with the other occupants, and escorted to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, East Bank Demerara.

The driver (Corporal Narine) was pronounced dead on arrival by a Doctor on duty and Cassie Atkinson was seen and examined by a doctor and transferred to Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where she was admitted as a patient in the Female Surgical Ward.

Corporal Narine’s body was transported to Memorial Gardens Funeral Home for storage.

Source: Guyana Police Force

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