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United Nations Pleads with Countries to Repatriate Citizens Trapped in Syria
First Published: 2nd of June, 2022
Last updated: December 17, 2022 at 4:22 amWe write this article in the context of a Guyanese citizen trapped with two young children in a Syrian refugee camp – whose family has been appealing to the government for help in bringing her home.
On the 9th of January, 2022, we published an article highlighting the plight of a Guyanese woman trapped in Syria whose family is appealing for help in repatriating her to her homeland of Guyana.
Living conditions in the country of Syria are difficult even for ordinary Syrian nationals – who regularly flee the country seeking refuge on foreign shores. You can imagine then how much more difficult it will be for foreign nationals living in refugee camps of that country – whose lives are in constant danger every day. The living conditions of the Syrian refugee camps such as Al Roj in northern Syria can be described as “inhumane,” and the faster we empty those refugee camps, the better it will be for Syria and the world.
Read Story: Guyanese Woman Trapped in Syria Appeals for Help in Returning Home
UN, Other Humanitarian Organizations, Plead with Countries to Repatriate their Citizens
It will take 30 years before foreign children stuck in unsafe camps in North East Syria can return home if repatriations continue at the current rate, according to Save the Children
Save the Children is calling on all states with child nationals in Syria to:
- Recognise and treat children primarily as victims of war, even those who had been forced to join ISIS;
- Repatriate nationals without any further delays and support their reintegration into their home country;
- Guarantee basic rights and address urgent humanitarian needs;
- Release arbitrarily detained children and reunite them with their families;
- Commit to non-discrimination and equal justice.
As well as the safe and dignified return of children and their families to their places of origin, Save the Children is calling for expanded humanitarian response in the camps to meet the needs of foreign children while they await repatriation – as well as for Syrian children who may remain in the camps for some time to come.
Save the Children is calling on their governments to urgently step-up efforts to repatriate them, along with their families.
According to a group of UN experts deployed to Syria’s refugee Camps, “Thousands of people held in the Syrian Refugee Camps are exposed to violence, exploitation, abuse, and deprivation in conditions and treatment that could amount to torture or other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment under international law, and lack effective remedies. An unknown number have already died as a result of detention conditions.”
“We call on all member states to provide children – who are their citizens or born to their nationals – with civil documentation to prevent statelessness. This is in line with the best interests of the child and in compliance with international standards.”
Source: UNICEF