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Meet Guyanese Novelist and Scriptwriter, Geeta Outar Sirjoo
Published: 15th of May, 2023 by Patrick Carpen.
Last updated: May 18, 2023 at 0:27 am
Born the Garden City of Georgetown in the 1960s, novelist and scriptwriter, Geeta Outar Sirjoo migrated in her late teens to the twin Island country of Trinidad and Tobago. There, she fulfilled one of her childhood dreams in establishing herself as the CEO of “Geeta’s Creations” — a garment establishment which creates uniforms for companies and schools.
But that wasn’t the end of Geeta’s ambitions. Fueled by a deep passion for writing, she released her first book, FORTUNATE DISASTER, in 2013. Fortunate Disaster, set mainly in India, is a tender story of love and loss. It caters for a wide audience; however, it captures the hearts of the romantics.
Her creativity then led to another fictional romance/drama novel A RAINBOW IN THE NORTH — a triangular love story set in Trinidad and Tobago about a man being caught in a relationship with a mentally unstable wife and a successful fashionista. This has captured the interest of a producer for a television series, and preparations for turning it into a movie are in progress.
Some of Geeta’s other works include:
LONE SURVIVOR is a short story set in Guyana and inspired by true events. Lone Survivor is a story about the trials of poverty and the existing dangers for hardworking fisherfolks.
CASTLES IN THE SKY is another fictional romance/drama inspired by true events and set in different parts of the Caribbean but mainly in Guyana. The story tells of a young boy’s journey and his conquests as an adult.
GEETA OUTAR-SIRJOO loves to create, and her creativity also led her to scriptwriting. Art of Love is the proof of concept for a feature movie she has created and scripted for a Hollywood producer. She has a few more scripts on the market at this time. Secrets in the Rupununi, a romance story involving a triangular love affair, is one she holds closest to her heart.
Finding it difficult to break through regular channels, Geeta is also a ghostwriter for big names and companies, which means that many of her hit productions don’t bear her name.
Having grown up in an age of discrimination against women, Geeta has another project in mind, and that is to inspire women and girls to go after their dreams, breaking down social barriers and stereotypes.

You can find Geeta’s Books on Amazon here.
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