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Citizen Complains About Irresponsible Persons Dumping Garbage in Georgetown

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28th of December, 2022. Guyana, South America. Guyana News.

Last updated: December 28, 2022 at 20:12 pm

A Guyanese citizen from Georgetown has reached out to this publication to voice his concern about irresponsible persons dumping garbage in the city and making the city unclean in other ways.

The resident, who sent in several photos and videos (below) to prove his story, made the following comment:

Distinguished Press Officers, I must report to you that our city is becoming more and more beautiful, but there are always spoilers who break the rules. Today (27th of December), in Camp Street in the city center, some illegal businesses throw the demolished garbage on the clean street. They also urinate everywhere. Require relevant departments to severely punish these social garbage insects, because these saboteurs have gone against the President’s idea of building a clean city.

The resident also added:

A beautiful city must be fundamentally maintained not only by cleaning up, but also by strengthening the attention of relevant departments to combat these saboteurs.

Team Guyana, South America calls on the Guyana Police Force, the Ministry of Health, the Environmental Protection Agency, and all other relevant persons and authorities, to look into this matter and arrest and charge the offenders.

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Letta Fox
Letta Fox
December 29, 2022 11:06 am

Georgetown is the dirtiest city in the Caribbean, it’s shameful!! This is King Street between Regent St and Robb St, a stone’s throw from the city council.

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