14th of March, 2025. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.
Last updated: March 15, 2025 at 0:29 amIn the face of growing Venezuelan aggression against Guyana and threats of using force to annex the contested Essequibo Region, the general Guyanese population has been wondering how exactly the United States would act if the Maduro Regime takes its military advances to the next level. Will the United States just supply Guyana with weapons and leave us to fight our own battle? Will it take some time for the US Congress to approve deployment of US troops and military equipment? Or will the United States confront Venezuela immediately and directly?

To date, the answer to these questions remain a matter of speculation. Perhaps the President of Guyana, Dr. Irfaan Ali, and other top government officials within a small circle, are the only ones who truly know how the United States would respond in the somewhat unlikely event of a Venezuelan incursion. However, the US Ambassador to Guyana, Nicole Theriot, recently issued a strong statement in support of Guyana. Although she did not explicitly state that a Venezuelan incursion would trigger a direct and immediate US military response, it strongly suggests that its likely, and her statement is strong enough to deter a Venezuelan incursion for a long time.
Clearly we support Guyana 100% against this aggression that’s unacceptable. And we won’t allow
Venezuela to threaten Guyana’s territory and sovereignty. We are standing with many other international partners. But I would point out we’re the first to speak out. We will always stand shoulder to shoulder with Guyana in supporting you and defending you.
The case of Guyana vs Venezuela is a clear-cut case in favor of Guyana, making it extremely difficult for Venezuela to advance its objective of annexing the Essequibo. Strong international and regional support from Guyana’s friends and partners further complicates the matter for our troubled western neighbor.
Guyana’s population is less than 5% that of the Venezuelan population, and Guyana’s military is clearly no match for the Venezuelan military. Under these circumstances, foreign military support is clearly needed to protect Guyana against Venezuelan aggression. Thankfully, Guyana enjoys a healthy relationship and strong bilateral relations with the United States, Britain and many other world powers.
The Guyana Government and the citizens of Guyana remain grateful for the support of the international community, especially the United States and Britain, for their vocal and resounding support for Guyana’s sovereignty and regional peace and stability.