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The Beautiful Border Town of Bonfim, Brazil

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Published: 17th of October, 2023 by Patrick Carpen

Last updated: April 22, 2024 at 1:19 am

Guyana shares a border with three countries: Suriname, Venezuela, and Brazil. The border with Brazil is doubtless the most frequently traversed, arguably the most beautiful, and definitely brings the most economic benefits to the country of Guyana. In fact, one tourist traveling through the Rupununi Savannahs into Brazil remarked that he had crossed dozens of borders during his travels around the world, but the Guyana/Brazil border is the most beautiful he had seen so far.

Just as you cross the Takutu River Bridge at Lethem, you enter into the town of Bonfim, Brazil. This beautiful border town has magnificent roads flanked by small, beautiful concrete houses sporting a similar layout and architecture to the village of St. Ignatius. The people of Bonfim speak Brazilian Portuguese, but most residents of Bonfim can also speak English fluently. That is because a large fraction of residents of Bonfim are Guyanese, have Guyanese relatives, or travel frequently to Lethem, Guyana.

Lethem and neighboring Bonfim, Brazil are a free zone or “defined area” that allows for the free passage of goods and people between the two towns. The defined area extends up to the Kurupurarai Crossing, Region 8, on the Guyana side, and Normandy on the Brazil side. Guyanese citizens and even foreign visitors who have entered Guyana legally can travel to Bonfim without visiting the immigration departments of either Brazil or Guyana.

The beautiful border town of Bonfim, Brazil has its own nursery, primary, and secondary schools, and also a tertiary education institution. It has shops, supermarkets, hotels, recreation parks, a lakeside resort, and much more.

Places of Worship in Bonfim

Bonfim, Brazil is a predominantly Christian community. About 90% of the residents are of the Christian faith. As a result, there are several Christian churches in Bonfim, but no Mosques, Hindu Temples, or other religious institutions.

What to do When You’re Bonfim

When you’re in Bonfim for tourism purposes, you can visit Wayne’s Riverside Resort by the Takutu River, Fazenda Buritizal Lakeside Resort, and the Takutu Hotel in Bonfim. Take a drive around the town and observe the unique architecture and layout of the city. You can also visit Ely Modas Perfume Store for the brand name Brazilian perfumes and cosmetics.

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