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The Lethem to Linden Trail – Beautiful Photos

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First Published: 27th of July, 2016 by Patrick Carpen.

Last updated: October 17, 2023 at 15:10 pm

The Lethem to Linden Trail is a 300 miles (approximately) trail cut mostly through the Amazon Rain Forest from Lethem to Linden.

The Lethem-Linden Trail is also referred to as the “Lethem Georgetown Trail.” That’s because there is paved road from Linden going to Georgetown, while from Lethem to Linden, it’s a sand/brick/clay trail.

However, most itineraries are from Lethem to Georgetown or from Georgetown to Lethem. So when people say they are “going through the trail,” they usually mean they are going from Lethem to Georgetown or vice versa.

So whether you want to call it the “Lethem Georgetown Trail,” or the “Lethem Linden Trail” is entirely up to you. Personally, I prefer to refer to the trail as the “Lethem Georgetown Trail” which includes the sand trail as well as the paved road from Linden to Georgetown.

Related: See more photos of Scenes Along the Lethem-Georgetown Trail.

These beautiful photos of “Scenes Along the Trail” were taken by different people traveling through the trail at different times, including an Israeli tourist, Elhanan Oren, who was doing a tour around the world and passed there on 25th of July 2016.

Although the Lethem Georgetown Trail changes a lot during rainy and dry seasons, the breathtaking scenes along the trail are pretty much just as beautiful.

At present (October, 2023), the paving of the Lethem to Linden Trail has already underway and a three-kilometer stretch between Linden and Mabura Village has already been paved. The entire 500+ KM trail from Linden to Lethem is estimated to be completed within ten years (around 2033). However, some people are hopeful that the roadworks will be fast-tracked and completed as early as 2025.

Enjoy these beautiful, breath-taking photos of scenes along the Lethem Georgetown Trail.

Before leaving for his journey along the Trail, Elhanan camped out here – at the backyard of the Takutu Hotel which offers tent space for travelers for 1000 Guyana dollars per night.
This is one of the bridges along the trail – although I’m not sure which bridge it is.
So now we are “ready for the road.”
What a long lovely road!
A bus from Carly Bus Service flies past Elhanan and kicks up a storm of dust.
As you can see, the chain slipped! When you’re touring with motorcycle around the world, you better be good at fixing it!
And here we go again.
Another 25 miles up – Let’s stop for a photo!
Scenes along the trail – I told you they were beautiful!
Look at these lovely animals!
Mountains ans savannas!
Did you know that those birds and cows share a mutualistic relationship? The birds pick ticks off the cows and eat them. The cows benefit by getting cleaned of the parasites while the birds get lunch served.
Beautiful birds fly across the trail.
Look at these beautiful bird.
A farmer and cattle rancher poses for a photo in “Scenes along the Trail.”
Lots of beautiful cows.
Welcome to Annai Village
Puddles in the trail, and cows.
The long lonely road.
A beautiful macaw poses for a photo in “Scenes Along the Trail.”
Hurry up and shoot – I can’t hold this pose much longer!
Two beautiful birds.
What a lovely animal.
So much cuteness in one picture!
Elhanan poses with some kids in “Scenes Along the Trail.”
After about a hundred miles of riding, it’s time for a little rest. Let’s pitch tent!
Looks like we have some guests!
And we’re ready to go again!
No hunting.
Lending a helping hand.
There we go again.
How about a selfie?
My faithful bike!
Another one.
Wet trail. Drive carefully.
The Kurupukari River Crossing – where the mighty Essequibo River cuts the trail in two.
Boarding the ferry to cross the river at Kurupukari Village.
It’s rainy season.
Rivers on the road.
And ponds too.
Let’s cross this.
And we go again.
This is Mabura outpost – a police checkpoint for everyone traversing the trail from Lethem to Linden and vice-versa.
Have no idea where this is.
Ready to hit the road.
Slush, and and mud.
Lots of mud.
Some more.
The sandy trail.
Bike is all loaded for the journey.
Watch out for that crater!
A beautiful scene.
Looks like a truck turned over.
Mud, Slush and Pond.
The muddy trail.
Probably slipped on the mud.
So beautiful.
And another selfie.
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