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Plans Afoot to Restore Berbice 100-Window House

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Published: 17th of May, 2023. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: May 17, 2023 at 21:31 pm

The 100-window (or 99 window) house located at No. 19 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, has fascinated curious onlookers for decades. Many persons have ventured inside the compound where the house is located, called the Fraser Farm, to take pictures. Recently, we published an article in which the owner, Maria Fraser, issued a statement advising persons to desist from entering the property without permission from the family.

Now in a very rundown state, the beams of the house are still strong. The family has chosen to erect a new house at the side of the archaic structure instead of demolishing it and building over. They explained that they made this decision to preserve the building because of its historical and culture values. Recently, we also wrote an article debunking rumors that the house is haunted. The 100-window house on No. 19 road is not haunted to the best of the owners’ knowledge.

Maria Fraser explained to this publication that she and her family are facing several challenges in their dream of restoring the house to its former glory and present it as a tourist attraction which will also serve as a relic of a bygone era. One of these challenges is financing. Ms. Fraser explained that the house is projected to cost over 100 million Guyana dollars for restoration. The second challenge would be finding an architect to get the job done.

It’s challenging, but it’s doable, and hopefully, it will come to fruition very soon. If you have any ideas or would like to offer your support for this project, you can contact Maria Fraser via her Facebook Page: Maria Fraser on Facebook.

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