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Disturbing Video Clip Shows President Ali Chucking Security Personnel

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25th of August, 2023. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: August 25, 2023 at 22:30 pm

A disturbing video clip, which went viral after being posted by several social media pages and personalities, shows the President of Guyana, Dr. Irfaan Ali, handling one of his presidential guards in a somewhat uncouth manner.

The video (posted below) shows the President walking on the ground at the Building Expo which kicked off last evening, Thursday, 24th of August, 2023 at the National Stadium at Providence, East Bank Demerara. Around him were his Presidential Body Guards. However, it appears that one of the guards on duty angered the President who did not hold back in expressing his displeasure.

Although it is not possible to hear the words spoken by the President, body language and the actions taken in the video paint a worrisome picture. It appears that the President was calling to the guard who had stepped to the side, apparently talking to the former US Ambassador to Guyana, Sarah-Ann Lynch. After being ignored by the guard for several seconds, the President stepped towards him and tugged him, pulling him away and then pushing him in front of himself. The guard could be seen smiling shyly as he disappeared into the crowd in front of the President.

As President Ali tugged the guard away, it appears that the former US Ambassador was startled as the video shows her walking towards the President who apparently ignored her and kept pacing forward. It is not clear from the video if the guard was interacting with Sarch Ann Lynch at the time when the incident occurred.

The actions of President Ali showcased in the video has caused public uproar on social media with many responding in the comments that the behavior was uncouth, un-presidential, and reeks of power-drunkenness. Many persons are calling on the President to issue a public apology to the young man whom they felt was publicly humiliated and embarrassed by the president’s actions.

One person commented, “if this is the behavior he displays in public, I shudder to think what goes on behind closed doors.”

However some persons jumped to the President’s defense. One young man commented: “All yall talking in the comments that just looking for an issue. The presidential guard was clearly not focused, putting the life of the president at risk. He’s lucky all he got was pulled and not fired.”

While social media comments were divided, and some supported the President’s action, most called him out for unbecoming behavior.

This publication spoke to the head of an international security firm asking for his opinion on the matter. The security expert, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that it is difficult to gauge the situation since the issue that led to the outcome is unclear from the video. However, he suggested that the President should have indicated to the security lead to address the young man if he was erring in some way. He further added that the President’s action was somewhat unprofessional and surprising.

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