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OAS Officially Recognizes Ali as Legitimate President of Guyana

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11th of July, 2020. Georgetown, Guyana, South America.

Breaking News…

The APNU/AFC government is now officially a dictatorship and the incumbent APNU/AFC presidential candidate, David Granger, has now been officially considered a dictator each day onward from today that he remains in office.

In a strongly worded Press Release today, 11th of July, 2020, the Organization of American States has categorically and irrefutably stated that the PPP/C is the winner of the March 2, 2020 elections in Guyana as reflected in the CARICOM certified recount results.

The OAS in its statement condemned the use of fraudulent figures by the Chief Elections Officer, Mr. Keith Lowenfield. It further stated that new elections are “unacceptable” and the only solution is to use the CARICOM certified recount results to declare a winner of the March 2, 2020 elections in Guyana, South America.

Statement from the OAS – July 11th, 2020

Respect for the Results of the National Recount is Guyana’s only Democratic Solution

  July 11, 2020

The Organization of American States (OAS) notes that the Chief Elections Officer of Guyana, in direct opposition to the instructions of the Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission, has submitted a final report which includes data compiled prior to the national recount; data which had already been deemed to be questionable.

There can be no justification for this action. As intimated in our statement of July 10, this confirms that the Chief Elections Officer is acting in bad faith and contrary to the interest of democracy in Guyana.

Let us be very clear – the only democratic solution for Guyana at this time is respect for the results of the national recount. No other figures – neither those prepared prior to the recount, nor those recently invalidated by the Caribbean Court of Justice, nor any others that may be unilaterally devised by the Chief Elections Officer – can have any place in the final determination of results. A new electoral process is also an unacceptable solution.

Article 1 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter states that “The peoples of the Americas have a right to democracy and their governments have an obligation to promote and defend it.” It is past time that the current leaders of Guyana comply with their democratic responsibilities and allow the newly elected government to take its place.

In the coming days, the OAS General Secretariat will report to the OAS Permanent Council on these and other recent developments in Guyana.


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