Appeals for Help

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Letter: I Was Trafficked, I’m Sorry, and I Need to Come Home (Redirected)

Earlier this year (January, 2022), we had written a story about a Guyanese woman who is trapped in a Syrian Refugee camp with her two children, and who is appealing to the government of Guyana to repatriate her. However, despite being aware of the situation, the government has done little to help. Calls to the Ministry of Foreign Affair by this publication have been met with a Royal Push Around.

Guyanese Man Stranded in Trinidad Appeals for Help in Returning to Guyana (Redirected)

A Guyanese man who left Guyana to work in construction in neighboring Trinidad has reached out to this publication for help in returning and resettling in Guyana now that he has hit rock bottom. The man explained to this publication that he left Guyana in the year 2017 to do construction work in Trinidad. However, of recently, he started experiencing financial difficulties as he is not getting work as before.

Residents of Wakenaam Threatened by Snakes

Residents of Wakenaam Island on the Essequibo River, Region 3, have reached out to this publication to highlight a disturbing issue and call on the relevant authorizes to relieve their distress by addressing the matter at hand. According to the residents, there is a drain at Good Success, Wakenaam, which hasn’t been cleaned for 19 years, and as a result, snakes are breeding inside, putting the nearby houses in danger.

UN Pleads with Countries to Repatriate Citizens Trapped in Syria (Redirected)

Living conditions in the country of Syria are difficult even for ordinary Syrian nationals – who regularly flee the country seeking refuge on foreign shores. You can imagine then how much more difficult it will be for foreign nationals living in refugee camps of that country – whose lives are in constant danger every day. The living conditions of the Syrian refugee camps such as Al Roj in northern Syria can be described as “inhumane,” and the faster we empty those refugee camps, the better it will be for Syria and the world.

“Trafficked” 14-year-old Tells Police She Ran Away from an Abusive Mother

High drama played out across the country of Guyana over the course of the last week, starting from Wednesday, 20th of April, 2022, after a woman came on air to lament that her daughter was trafficked into an interior location and her pleas for help are being ignored by the police and other relevant authorities.

Businessman Said He Kicked Daughter After She Asked Him for Money and Wished Death Upon Him

A Georgetown businessman who is embroiled in a controversy involving domestic abuse and violence against women has told his side of the story. The businessman, whose name is Devanand Singh, has been charged on April, 1st, 2022 for inflicting grievous bodily harm and threatening language. He appeared on a Guyanese Critic Live Show to explain his side of the story. He showed up with his wife, son, other daughter, and two other close relatives to conduct an hour-long interview aimed at clearing his name.