We have suffered long enough with this present meager income, which is not even enough to pay for our basic necessities at the end of the week. The time after work each day is not enough to do a second job to supplement our small income of a little over $40, 000 per month. The time runs out so quickly, We are doing a full-time job here!
The government of Guyana and various top ranking officials, including the CEO of GUYSUCO, Mr. Sasenarine Singh, are trying to convince the masses of Guyanese that there’s no shortage of sugar in Guyana. If that be the truth, then why resort to importing sugar from Belize? This is a bag of sugar that I bought today, 19th July 2022, expecting GUYSUCO 50kg brown sugar, but instead I got PRODUCT OF BELIZE.
As an aspiring politician and leader, I believe that there’s a time and a place for everything especially when it comes to protecting the integrity of my country which is presently recognized globally for its massive economical growth in less than one year after a new government would have been sworn in.
Tuesday the 28th June, 2022 will be another day that will go down in history as Guyanese and the world by extent witnessed a blatant barefaced daylight robbery which I am convinced that were atrociously orchestrated and politically motivated by the PNC.
So my people, it is with a heavy heart that I learnt that the National Library on Monday canceled its permission to the Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham Foundation to host the Foundation’s Commemorative Exhibition celebrating the life of Forbes Burnham and in particular his contributions to our independence struggle and securing our independence.
We live in a time where the public does not wait until the next day to read news in the papers, or to find out what happened in their neighborhoods when digital journalists have already done the ground work and have disseminated the information in a faster and quicker manner than how it would take the traditional mass media to operate.