April 2022

Showing: 1 - 20 of 23 Articles
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Guyana Boasts World’s Second Highest Oil Reserves Per Capita (Redirected)

The proven oil reserve “per capita” is calculated as the number of barrels of proven oil reserves divided by the population of the country. The proven oil reserves per capita is a theoretical indicator of how many barrels of oil we can allocate to each citizen. In other, words, if we share out all the oil in reserve to the citizens equally, how many barrels will each get?

Chief Medex, Lolita Ribeiro, Loses Battle with Cancer

Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health, Lolita Ribeiro, passed away last evening, 26th of April, 2022, after losing a year-long battle with cancer. She was 45 years old at the time of her death. Ms. Ribeiro was diagnosed with cancer in late April, 2021 after testing positive for Covid-19. She was treated in both Guyana and Suriname. In January, 2022, she reported feeling better and was back on duties as Chief Medex.

“Trafficked” 14-year-old Tells Police She Ran Away from an Abusive Mother

High drama played out across the country of Guyana over the course of the last week, starting from Wednesday, 20th of April, 2022, after a woman came on air to lament that her daughter was trafficked into an interior location and her pleas for help are being ignored by the police and other relevant authorities.

Ogle to Eccles “Bypass” Highway Will Further Congest the Traffic at Golden Grove

Last year, we looked on in astonishment and bewilderment as the government announced plans to build a bypass road from Ogle on the East Coast of Demerara to Eccles on the East Bank. This is evidently intended to ease traffic congestion from Georgetown to Eccles. However, the traffic from Georgetown to Eccles is nothing compared to the traffic along the public road at Golden Grove where the four-lane highway converges into a two-lane road.

Businessman Said He Kicked Daughter After She Asked Him for Money and Wished Death Upon Him

A Georgetown businessman who is embroiled in a controversy involving domestic abuse and violence against women has told his side of the story. The businessman, whose name is Devanand Singh, has been charged on April, 1st, 2022 for inflicting grievous bodily harm and threatening language. He appeared on a Guyanese Critic Live Show to explain his side of the story. He showed up with his wife, son, other daughter, and two other close relatives to conduct an hour-long interview aimed at clearing his name.