21st of May, 2022. Region 6, Guyana, South America. GSA News
Last updated: June 4, 2022 at 19:57 pmA single mother of 4, who is also taking care of her sick parents, has reached out to this publication for help in highlighting her situation hoping that some philanthropic person(s) or organization(s) will step up to her rescue.

Geeta explained to this publication that she has been living in the dilapidated home for many years, but of recent, the structure of the house has began to collapse. She explained that the roof is leaking in several places, that some of the posts holding up the house are broken, and that when the yard floods, it reaches all the way into the house.

At present, Geeta only manages to get work work as a cleaner a few days of the week, and as such, she is in no financial position to take out a loan to build a new home or otherwise finance repairs. She had separated from her husband many years ago, and as such has been shouldering the responsibility of taking care of her four kids and sick parents single-handedly. Her children are aged 3, 6, 8, and 9.
Team Guyana, South America calls on all philanthropic persons and organizations to investigate this matter so as to bring relief to the persons affected. This publication stands ready to support any fundraising activity aimed at building a new home for Geeta and her family.
Geeta can be reached on (592) 696-7341 (WhatsApp Available).
Some more photos.

Important Update
Geeta contacted this publication again today, June 4th, 2022, and related that no one has reached out to her so far. She related that her situation has become even more desperate as it is now the rainy season and the house has deteriorated further. She is pleading for any sort of assistance – even in the purchase of building materials so she can do the construction.
If you can help with this project, kindly contact Geeta on (592) 696-7341 (WhatsApp Available).
Dear Reader, we have a favor to ask. The more persons read this story, the greater the chances this family will receive the help they in a timely manner. We ask you to kindly share this article to as many people as possible.