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The young indigenous woman who was crowned on the evening Saturday, 17th of September, as Amerindian Heritage Queen 2022-2024 has made a Press Release via her Facebook Page stating that she will NOT reign as queen because she will be stripped of her crown. She says she was “informed” that the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs will take the crown away from her, because it was given to her error, and give it to another contestant, possibly the first runner up. However, she did not mention who informed her of this development and this publication sincerely questions the legitimacy of this proposal.

The Amerindian Heritage Pageant 2022 was concluded last evening, Saturday, 17th of September, 2022 at the National Cultural Centre with Miss Amber Andrews of Region 5 being crowned the Amerindian Heritage Queen 2022 and Miss Kristie Rembharrat at her heels as the first runner up.

Residents of Region 7, Guyana, South America reported yesterday, 17th of September, 2022, that ice rained down from the skies over an extensive area across the Region. A resident of Kamarang, Veronica Clement, pulled out her mobile phone and made a video showing the ice pellets falling near to her home. The video is posted at the bottom of this article.