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Covid-19: Recovered Moruca Teacher Shares Her Story

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Teacher Monica DaSilva is happy to be back home.

14th of July, 2020. Northwest District, Guyana, South America.

The story of this young teacher proves that coronavirus hits differently from person to person. A lot of factors come into play. Two of the most important are the strength of your immune system and physical abilities. In this case, the coronavirus was barely able to produce a few headaches, itchy throat and hypertension. But as the young woman related, “it wasn’t a nice experience.” Not everyone is this lucky, and sometimes people with strong immune systems develop severe symptoms. Play it safe. Wash your hands, stay away from crowds and wear a mask. At the same time, use some antiviral food and lots of vitamin C – in addition to healthy diet and some exercise. Join the fight. Together, we can beat coronavirus.

“On the 21st of June, 2020, I, Monica Dasilva, was taken into isolation as a COVID-19 positive patient. I was scared and unsure of what it would be like and at the same time was worried for the health of my kids and family.

However I went knowing that God was already before. Since I’m a God fearing person, I had put all my trust and health into His hands. I arrived at the Amerindian hostel and was greeted with the very familiar faces of my colleagues and the most gentle doctors that made me feel a big relief.

I was still lost but was sure I was in good hands. My family was tested on the 24th of June and they were all negative–much to my relief. And I knew that, by the grace and mercy of the Creator God, I would be safe too.

It’s not a nice experience. Even though I had no serious symptoms I started suffering from hypertension for the first time in history. I also had headaches and dry throat which was not that bad, and my colleagues were there for me all the time. We shared fruits and created a group where we shared feelings and scriptures every day which created a bonding between us.

So thanks to them all, we also has a special herb made by a special cuz of mine. We called it “the green juice.” It’s papaya leaf blended and strained with prayer. We drank this every day for the period we were there.

God is good. The doctors are really doing the best they can. Thanks Dr Damion, Nurse Candacy, Dr Williams and Dr Hendricks. You are doing a wonderful job. I pray the Almighty God continue to be with you all and keep you safe. Thanks to my colleagues and the friends I’ve met. Mojo Mojo and Moelmon, I miss you all.

The porters were really good at their job too. The food was good even though it was a little late sometimes. It was understandable since there were limited drivers and limited staff. I know these persons were trying their best and I appreciate every bit of it. Keep up the good works KDH and staff.

On the 10th of July, I was released and I’m safely back home with my family. And I have God and the persons that call and gave me encouraging words of hope to thank for it.”

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