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American Woman Seeks Help in Reuniting with Displaced Adopted Son

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23rd of September, 2020. Guyana, South America

Last updated: September 23, 2020 at 21:11 pm

Sarah Adams is a 34 years old married mother of 3 children. She is the Executive Director of a non profit in the United States. In 2014, she traveled to Guyana with her husband on an adoption journey. This is her story.

I am looking to get in touch with the director of the Red Cross Convalescent Home. In 2014, I went on an adoption journey – and was planning to adopt a little boy named Kevin Marshall Johnson.

Unfortunately, due to improper filed paperwork with the government of Guyana, we were not able to bring this little boy home in 2014. The government/social services actually thought they were adopting out this boy to another couple – who never came for him. I’m happy to go into detail as well.

Anyway, that being said, there hasn’t been a day that has gone by that I don’t think about this little boy. He is probably about 10 now. I’m trying to see if someone in Guyana could help me check to see if he happens to be at the Red Cross Home or somewhere in Guyana?

I am simply trying to see if he is doing well. He used to call me “Mommy,” and I would love to see if he’s doing okay. Again, his name is Kevin Marshall Johnson. He was about 3/4 years old. in 2014 and would be about 10 now.

Here is a picture of him in 2014. If you have any info on how I could track him down that would be amazing! I know this is a long shot, but I just wanted to reach out. Thanks! Sarah.

If you have any information that would lead the reunion of Sarah and this child, please contact her on:

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