A resident of Lethem, Region 9, Guyana, South America has alleged that a gang of GDF soldiers stationed at Camp Base Kanuku in Lethem has brutally beaten her brother leaving him severely wounded and receiving treatment at the Lethem Regional Hospital.
A disturbing video circulated today, 7th of July, 2022, on social media which shows a group of persons beating, verbally abusing, punishing, and humiliating a young Guyanese woman for allegedly stealing a number of chairs from a church. Several public figures and organizations have come forward to condemn the act which can be described as using a computer device to humiliate a person. Laws have recently been drafted to criminalize the use of a computer device to humiliate a person.
Police have a difficult task: contending with bandits, murderers, thieves, and lawbreakers and troublemakers in general. Consequently, they are trained to be tough, to handle offensive weapons, and to survive under dangerous circumstances. In light of this, the general civilian population whom the police are paid to protect and serve must offer a high level of cooperation. If the police are completely stripped of the respect which the uniform should naturally carry, then there will be an inevitable breakdown of law and order in the country.
According to reports received, the Ministry of Housing did not make any effort to relocate and rehouse the affected persons. Instead, public-spirited persons moved to the rescue operation are currently in the process of putting back a shelter over the heads of displaced persons.
An 18-year-old Miner of Region 1, Keron Sandy, is currently hospitalized and in a critical condition after he was allegedly attacked by his coworker Wayne Welcome. The incident occurred on Friday, April 22, 2022 at approximately 4:00pm at Arakaka Backdam, Region 1, Guyana, South America.
Underpayment, exploitation, and mistreatment of working class citizens serve as a deterrent for Guyanese citizens needing to enter the workforce. It may discourage young people from seeking employment and push them into a life of crime. It may also push talented persons to seek employment abroad – further contributing to the ongoing brain drain from which Guyana has suffered for decades.
Dataley Permaul, a Guyanese woman believed to be in her late 40s, was this morning found in a shallow grave in her home at Chesney Village, Region 6, Guyana, South America. Her husband, Terry, who was often abusive towards her, is the prime suspect in her apparent murder.
Three weeks later, as of today, 27th of April, 2022, Varshanie Cyril was still not arrested over the alleged threats of violence. This publication called Mr. Seecharran again today, 27th of April, 2022, and he confirmed that no arrests were made “because the patrol ranks are busy.”
High drama played out across the country of Guyana over the course of the last week, starting from Wednesday, 20th of April, 2022, after a woman came on air to lament that her daughter was trafficked into an interior location and her pleas for help are being ignored by the police and other relevant authorities.
The son of embattled Georgetown businessman, who is accused of chronic domestic abuse, has used his social media page to publish a tribute to his father calling him the “world’s best father.”
A Georgetown businessman who is embroiled in a controversy involving domestic abuse and violence against women has told his side of the story. The businessman, whose name is Devanand Singh, has been charged on April, 1st, 2022 for inflicting grievous bodily harm and threatening language. He appeared on a Guyanese Critic Live Show to explain his side of the story. He showed up with his wife, son, other daughter, and two other close relatives to conduct an hour-long interview aimed at clearing his name.
The victim of a cutlass attack in Region 6 earlier this year has once again complained to this publication that she was threatened once more by her attacker.
he local con artist who swindled a Region 9 woman of over $300,000 has sent a series of threatening messages to her, demanding that she retracts her story and publish an apology.
A Guyanese woman is now distraught, devastated and struggling to pay back monies after being scammed by a man who pretended to be the son of famous Guyanese-born singer, Eddy Grant.